The View of the Ulama in Regard to Moulana Sa’d

Q: Mufti Saheb, currently the ummah is passing through a period of major ikhtilaaf in the circles of Tableegh. Some Ulama are saying that we should follow Nizaamuddeen, while other Ulama say that we should follow Raiwind (i.e. the Aalami Shura).

Some musjids are not allowing jamaats who come from Nizaamuddeen to give bayaans in their musjids, while other musjids are not allowing jamaats who come from the Aalami Shura side to give bayaans in their musjids. 

Some people are inviting towards attending the ijtima held by one group, while other people are discouraging people from attending the ijtima.

Some Ulama say that it is not permissible to listen to the talks of Ml Sa’d, while other Ulama say that there is nothing wrong with listening to his talks. 

Some people feel that speaking out against Ml Sa’d and condemning him is not permissible as it enters under gheebah. Is this correct?

We will really appreciate it if Mufti Saheb could present some guidance on this serious difference.

Giving one's own interpretation of the Quraan Majeed

Q: I went to visit a family member. They had some notes lying around. They told me they were going to do a tafseer class. I read over the notes and found some very strange explanation of the Quraan. 

When I looked in the tafeer, I noticed the notes were from Ma'ariful Quraan but they had added their own interpretation trying to say a Surah is promoting Dunya. 

Will a person who twists the tafseer to suit him be a kafir or what will his status be?

Selling an item to someone not knowing whether they will use it for something impermissible


1. Would it be halal for me to sell gold to a cash for gold place because there is a high chance they will sell this gold to a refiner, scrap gold buyer or so on and they might use this gold to make gold jewellery for men etc.? 

2. What about selling grapes to a business that sell grape related products so the grapes I sell to them can be used to make their grape juice or it can be used for their wine etc. Will the income be haram? Because I’m unsure what they will use it for.

Washing clothing that was soiled with urine

Q: My 3 month old son had a portion of his clothes wet with urine. I removed the onesie and placed it carefully on the bed with the urine part facing upwards so I could wash it. 

I fed my son and when I was done I picked up the onesie and went to wash it. Then I saw the onesie was completely dry all over and I couldn't find the spot where it was wet previously. 

Can I use this onesie now or must I wash the whole thing?