Covering tattoos with plain ink


  1. A brother accepted Islam, but previously was a Christian who has tattoos on his arms, some are facial images, possibly Christian crosses too, is it permissible that he tattoos those images with plain ink so images are not visible to see what it represents or should he leave it alone? 
  2. Will his wudhu and salaah be valid with the tattoos?

Selling Computers

Q: I deal in computers. Can I sell a computer in the following situations?

1. Knowing that the person will use it for haraam.

2. If the computer comes with built-in music and videos as is the case with most computers.

3. The person requests something haraam to be put onto it.

Smoke weed

Q: I would like to know if it is permissible to smoke weed as it doesn’t really intoxicate you but rather it relaxes you. In that state you understand the difference between right & wrong.

Star fish & eels

Q: Hazrat, I met you last year around July when I was in South Africa. I live in Australia. Hazrat, I teach in a  madrasa and run a fatwa website. The reason I am writing is that I wrote a fatwa on eating eels and later I found that my answer is contrary to your fatwa. Hence, I am writing so that you can let me know if my answer is correct or not. If it is not correct, then I will change it immediately. If it is correct then I hope to get khusoosi dua from you.

Travel Agent

Q: Is it permissible to work as a travel agent? This job might require one to book a ticket that includes haraam food e.g. I book a plane ticket for a person and order haraam food for him. Will this be permissible?