Hurmat-e-musaaharah between males

Q: Does hurmat mushaharah become established if a person hugs his father but he has strange feelings in his private part. He was scared during the event and did not get a full erection, however he is not sure about any minor movements that he did not notice. But he thinks that the minor movements (very small movements) were because of nervousness. He did not get any sexual thoughts. He was also a little bit scared during the event.

Sayyiduna Uthman (Radiallahu 'Anhu) reciting the whole Quraan Shareef in Tahajjud Salaah

Q: I have learnt that Sayyiduna Uthman (Radiallahu 'Anhu) used to recite the whole Quraan Shareef in Tahajjud Salaah. If one takes 5 minutes to properly recite a 1/4 para and hence 20 minutes per para then it takes 600 minutes (10 hours) to recite the whole Quraan Shareef. Since the night is not always 10 hours long, does it mean that Sayyiduna Uthman (Radiallahu 'Anhu) recited a para in less than 20 minutes?