Buying bank repossessed cars
Q: Is it permissible to buy a bank repossessed car from a company that deals with those kind of cars before the cars go to the auctions. They are sold at a much cheaper price.
Q: Is it permissible to buy a bank repossessed car from a company that deals with those kind of cars before the cars go to the auctions. They are sold at a much cheaper price.
Q: What should be done if a person dies with an un-Islamic will? The will specifies its own heirs and the shares for each person with no Islamic principles adopted. Non-heirs, according to Islam, are included also. What should be done in this case?
What about the the 1/3 available for bequest. Can the Islamic heirs agree on how to distribute this on their own through mutual agreement?
Q: I want to know if Dajjal really appeared in the world?
Q: Can you please explain what are the definitions of:
1. Muraabahah
2. Ijaarah
Q: Is praise an attribute of Allah?
Q: Is there a cure for self-hate (from an Islamic perspective)?
Q: With regard to women's clothing, when a woman is going out, how must she be dressed? Mostly in today's time with outdoor activity, how must she be dressed (example: swimming, picnics, etc.). Please give some explanation.
Q: How to prevent influence from society?
Q: Can you please tell me while doing sa'ee, why is wudhu not mandatory? Is it because safa and marwa are outside Masjid al Haram?
Q: Insha Allah, our masjid will be doing some extensions. We will be extending by putting an upper floor. I wanted to find out, if the ground floor has a masjid and a sehen, is it permissible for us to make the entire upper floor a masjid without having a sehen?
For example, if the bottom floor is 500 square meters (300 sqm is the masjid and 200 sqm sehen). Can we make the entire upper floor (500 sqm) masjid?