Musaafir mistakenly performing 4 rakaats Zuhr Salaah while leading a congregation for an entire week

Q: If a musaafir mistakenly leads a congregation in Zuhr Salaah for an entire week whilst performing 4 rakaats, and only realizes after that, then what is the status of the other musaafirs' Salaahs - those who performed salaah behind such an Imam?

Will their Salaah be valid/complete due to the passing of time?

Investing in companies that deal in interest below 33%

Q: I am not too convinced with the present day Islamic finance which is applied in the conventional banks as well as those with Muslim names.

Similar is the issue with stock markets. One point that I have totally failed to understand is the concept of permissibility in investing in those companies which deal in interest on condition their interest earnings/dealings is below 33%.

By me buying shares in a company, I become a co owner. So being a co owner in a company dealing in interest is permissible as long as it is registered as a public limited company.

But then why is interest not permissible for me as a sole trader. If I have a shop which I run by myself then why can't I take loans and invest in interest based instruments and make sure it doesn't exceed 33%.

I am genuinely confused and have failed to understand the rationale in this 33% concept. Buying shares in a public limited company is permissible even if it deals in interest as long as it is till 33%. But by myself i can't be a sole trader doing the same. Please explain to me as i am really confused.

Terminally ill person longing to meet Allah

Q: Is it the right attitude to have if someone, who is terminally ill, says, "I'm looking forward to meeting my Lord". As Allah says "أما من خاف مقام ربه" Should a person not be fearful of dying and his hisaab up until the last moment? I heard someone say this as they were approaching the last 1-2 months of their passing and it struck me as being inappropriate, almost arrogant. Please advise.

Converting to Islam to marry a girl

Q: My daughter wants to marry a Christian guy who says that he wants to revert to Islam. I am so upset and really do not know how to handle this situation and really need advice on how to move forward.

My daughter said that he already took the shahada and is currently reading the Quraan, but I dont know if this is true and is he just doing this for her or does he really want to revert to Islam for the sake of ALLAH. How do we react to him and his parents and what should we do?

My daughter said that if we can find a good Muslim boy, she is willing to give him a chance, but I think she is just saying that to make us happy.

Performing salaah or reciting Quraan with a small amount of impurity on one's clothing

Q: If a najaasat-e-ghaleezah that is thin and flowing falls on the body or clothes, it will be excused if the area on which it falls is equal to or less than a fifty cents coin in extent. If the person performs his salaat without washing it off, his salaat will be valid. But to refrain from washing it and to continue offering his salaats in this way is makruh. If it is more than a fifty cents coin, then it will not be excused. Salaat will not be valid if it is not washed off. Beheshwati Zewar (pg 44).

Does this include mazi?

What is meant by makrooh (disliked or sinful)?

Can I still read quran?