Husband being forced to sign a talaaq document

Q: My husband's parents forced him to sign a divorce paper. They prepared it by themselves and he doesn't know how many has been written. He didn't have any intention for this. Is it valid? 

They threatened him that his mother will kill herself while his wife put a pistol on her daughter. He did not know how many times divorce was written because he didn't prepare and read the papers, nor was he willing to sign.

Minimum number of people for Jumuah Salaah to be valid

Q: The masjid in our area is fairly new. We have, for Jumu'ah, about just over a dozen musallis. It is a mixed congregation of Shaafi and Hanafi. Our imaam for Salaah passed away in September. Since then, while we are looking into appointing a new Imaam, we have invited other Ulama to conduct Jumuah. 

The last imam who came, informed us that our Jumuah is problematic as per Imam Shaafi, there should be at least 40 men. 

Is it correct? Or can we continue with Jumuah Salaah?

Getting a panic attack when performing salaah in the masjid

Q: I have problem. Last year I had a panic attack while performing salah. From that day I am unable to pray salah in a masjid. Whenever I went for salah in the masjid, my situation becomes very worse. A lot of times I had to cut my salah and come home and then I performed salah at home. 

My question is, can I perform my salah at home till my situation becomes good.

Responsibility of taking care of a baaligh boy who is mentally challenged

Q: Who is responsible from both parents to assist a baligh boy who is mentally challenged, to assist him in shaving, scrubbing and bathing. He is 24, but looks like a 14 year old. His hands cannot reach out to even wash himself in the toilet, hasn't got flexible fingers to use properly. 

The mother does everything as the father shows very little or no interest. Please advise. 

She doesn't mind taking care of her son, but also wants the father to share in the reward Allah will grant, in sha Allah. 

Unintentionally swallowing blood

Q: If one felt the taste of blood in the mouth and eventually so he went to bathroom and spat out and there was discoloured saliva and didn’t seem to see blood and swallowed intentionally as he didn’t think there was blood but it tasted like blood. So most likely he would have consumed blood but not intentionally. Does this mean his salah may not be accepted for 40 days because of consuming this blood?

Nikaah without witnesses

Q: If a boy texts message a girl saying, "Do you accept me in nikkah" and the girl texts back,"yes" and then the boy texts, "same here", and during this there is no witness on the girl's side but the girl does not know if there were witnesses on the boy's side or not. Is the nikaah valid?

Suspending the talaaq

Q: I issued my wife with a verbal talaaq in my fit of anger and my negligence unfortunately. I know that's gone though. 

I then issued 2 suspended talaq as follows: 

1) If she tells anyone in my family or her family about our marital issues and problems then she will be divorced. 

2) If she drives a vehicle she will be divorced. 

Is it possible for me to revoke these suspended talaaqs? 

Is it possible to revoke these suspended talaaqs before the event takes place? 

Is it possible to revoke these suspended talaaqs after the event takes place? 

On another occasion I told my wife the following: "If you not back by 2pm I will divorce you" but I didn't divorce her. It was a threat. Is this counted as a talaaq?