Investing in the stock market

Q: Please advise if investing in shares in publicly listed companies which sell the following is permissible or not: 

1. A Distribution/Retail business whose main business is pertaining to selling foods, cosmetics, appliances, bakery, butchery (haraam meat also sold) sells alcohol also. 

2. A mining, telecommunications or property holding companies that has conventional bank loans and fixed deposits that earn interest?

Giving a bribe if one cannot receive his right

Q: I need to know about bribe as I have heard that the giver and taker, both are sinners. But now the situation is that I cannot book my visa appointment without paying the bribe. 

I have tried every possible way to book an appointment but could not get any booking. Also I have written an email to governing bodies but there is no response on it. Should I pay the bribe and ask Allah for forgiveness, or should I leave it as is?

Playing the Quraan in the home with the intention of protection and bringing barakah in the home

Q: My question is with regards to the Qur'aan cube/speaker. Is it permissible to keep the Quraan playing in the home while cooking, doing mundane daily tasks and leaving the Quraan playing while being in another room? Is this disrespectful to the Quraan Shareef or can it be done with the intention of protection and bringing barakah in the home?