Interacting with a murtad

Q: I have a relative that turned to Christianity. He therefore is a murtad for more than 30 years and I refuse to associate with him. Some family members however associate with him as per normal. I even saw him recently in a masjid for his mother's janaaza taking part in the salaah.

I would appreciate if you can advise as everyone thinks I'm at fault as I must greet and interact with him to show him the beauty of Islam although he is a born Muslim. We tried in the beginning but he regrettably still practices Christianity.

Listening to an orator who says that asking Nabi ﷺ at the Raudah Mubarakah to make dua for a person is incorrect

Q: There is an orator who has been recorded as saying that asking Nabi ﷺ at the Raudah Mubarakah to make Duaa for a person is far worse of an act compared to a person who did Zina with and impregnated his mother and thereafter killed her. Is it okay to listen to such a person's motivational lectures?

Women receiving nafaqah if she spends iddat in her parents home

Q: I wish to inquire regarding the maslah of nafaqah of a divorced woman who is sitting in iddat. Is nafaqah necessary on the husband in the following situations:

1. A woman was given talaaq baain or talaaq raji. She left her husband’s house and went to stay with her mother.

2. A woman was given talaaq bain or talaaq raji. The house which both husband and wife were staying in belongs to the wife. The wife left her home to go and stay by her parents home.

A: In the above two situations, when the wife left the house of her husband or her house and went to her parents house then she will not be entitled to receive nafaqah.