Woman choosing a reliable mahram to travel with
Q: If a woman has the means to go for her fardh hajj but is not married, can she ask one of her male mahram relatives (e.g. uncle, nephew) to accompany her on the journey?
Q: If a woman has the means to go for her fardh hajj but is not married, can she ask one of her male mahram relatives (e.g. uncle, nephew) to accompany her on the journey?
Q: Is it permissible for the Imaam of the Masjid or any scholar to teach hifdh/madressa in the Masjid & charge fees?
If not, should this be moved outside the Masjid boundary or what would be the best possible solution?
Q: If a person is giving zakaat in kind instead of cash, is the monetary value of the item considered, or is the store price?
Example: Bag of potatoes is worth R50, but he bought it for R100. He has to give R200 in zakaat. Does he give 2 bags, or 4 bags (costing him R400)?
Q: My husband, my mother in law and myself live together. I don't have a full kitchen of my own but I have kitchenette upstairs with the basics - fridge, toaster, kettle and microwave.
In Ramadhan, my husband says we should all 3 have sehri downstairs because his mother shouldn't be eating alone. I responded saying that if he would like he can go downstairs for sehri but I will be having sehri upstairs as I don't see why I should have all meals together all the time.
Islamically am I entitled to have some meals separately. Please advise.
Q: What's the ruling about extinguishing your lamps, how we understand it?
It was narrated from Jabir ibn `Abd-Allah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“When the wings of the night spread – or when evening comes – keep your children in, for the devils come out at that time. Then when part of the night has passed, let them go. And close the doors and mention the name of Allah, for the devil does not open a closed door. And tie up your waterskins and mention the name of Allah, and cover your vessels and mention the name of Allah, even if you only put something over them, and extinguish your lamps.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari, 3280 and Muslim, 2012)
Q: Is it permissible for women to wear stainless steel jewelry like rings, necklace and etc.?
Q: Given the spread and propagation of Interfaith and the Abrahamic Religion, what is the shar'i ruling on performing Salaah in a multi-faith prayer room?
Multi-faith prayer rooms are now found at airports, petrol stations, malls, offices etc. Some multi-faith prayer rooms have the symbols for each religion, at together, displayed on the wall or door.
Q: If there is a person that is in a personal debt of 1 million & his car is also in a debt, income is not meeting expenses & to repay the debt is difficult. His sons online homeschooling has a bursary foundation, can he accept the school fees if its zakaat to reduce the expense & pay towards the debt.
Kindly let me know?
Q: I am part of an archery organization in which, for training purposes and competitions 3D foam animal targets are used.
Is this permissible? Can the head be cut off then used?
Is the purchasing and selling of these targets permissible?
Is attending such competitions permissible?
Q: Two parties want to enter an agreement: Person A wants to loan money to Person B.
The amount is marked up by 10% and the repayment is over a fixed period e.g. 4 years.
If there is a clause in the agreement to say that if you pay by 3 years, you will get R2000 back.
Is the rebate of the R2000 clause permissible? Is the allocation of marked up shares permissible?