Making wudhu after eating food cooked on a fire

Q: There is this book called "The Tablespread Of the Holy Prophet" written by Muhammad Faisal

There is a section on cheese. This hadith is a Sahih Muslim Hadith 687, Narrated by Abu Hurayrah (radhiyallahu anhu).

"Performing ablution in the mosque, he said: I am performing ablution because of having eaten pieces of cheese, for I heard the Messenger of Allah Ta'ala say: Perform ablution (after eating anything) touched by fire."

I would like to know what is meant by "touched by fire" and why should we make wudhu after eating something that is touched by fire?

Sales person processing an order with silhouettes of animals

Q: I work as a sales processed in a bed factory. My work is halasl but one aspect is concerning me:

I recieve requests from customers to make bed labels which the company has already designed & they contain silhouettes of 2 animals - the silhouettes vary in size, most contain a head 1 mm in height but some larger.

Before I send the request to the printing company, the customer previews the labels where the silhouettes can be clearly seen. Would I be sinning by sending the online versions & also sending the request to the printing company to print?

Slight bleeding after inserting a copper IUD

Q: I have recently inserted a copper IUD which is causing me to bleed very slightly. I am 47 years old, with 4 children and have used the copper IUD for many years. My doctor tells me that it is normal to bleed slightly like this after copper IUD insertion and it can take up to 4 or 6 months for my body to adjust. Since this is not my period I considered my condition to be that of istihaada. I was washing myself every time and making a fresh wudu every time. But if this is going to take several months or even weeks, should I continue to make fresh wudu and wash myself all the time? What do I do if my period doesn't return within some time? Please advise