Disciplining oneself to perform salaah

Q: I don't pray salah because I find it very difficult. I can't manage time nor do I have good health. I also have to do wudu every time I pray and change clothes. Praying salah involves so much, I struggle with it very much. I'm amazed how some people can pray salah 5 times per day without struggle or any problems. Please give me some advise how to manage time, how to discipline myself to pray salah and how to make prayer most important thing in my life.

Musallee looking inside the Quraan during Taraweeh and correcting the Imaam

Q: Please advise with regard to the following:

Is it permissible for a Musallee to look inside the Quraan during Taraweeh? If not, is there any social occasion in which it would be permissible?

If we are 3 people in our Taraaweeh Jamaat - the Imaam and one Musallee is a Hafiz, but their dhor is not so good and plan to improve it by performing Taraaweeh - will it be permissible for the Musallee to look into the Quraan during the Salah?

Income of a salesperson who swipes customers credit cards

Q: I work for company called NEXT who’s CEO has political support for Israel.

Also the company provides a credit card for the customers which has interest in it as well. As I work as a sales girl I have to be on the counter/till while on the till sometimes I have to take the credit cards from the customers as their means of payment.

Can you please tell me if my earning is halaal?