Watching drama series

Q: I would like to ask if it is permissible to watch dramas like Yunus Emre or Kurlus Osman or any other Turkish dramas which are not inappropriate. What about animated movies which have romance and time travel isekai which means to go into a book or another body being alive again and stuff like that. 

I won't believe anything like that. It is just for fun and all this during the time when I have menses or any other free time. If not, are there any other halal ways of entertainment other then spending time with family?

Using Sayyidatuna Khadijah (radhiyallahu anha) being a businesswoman for women being allowed to go out and work

Q: The secondary Muslim Girls School teachers stated that Sayyidatuna Khadijah (radhiyallahu anha) was a trader/businesswoman and therefore it's allowed for women to go out to earn a livelihood. 

I'll appreciate if respected Mufti Saheb could explain this matter.

Fidyah for a person who suffered from dementia

Q: A man passed away, leaving behind his wife, a son, two daughters, a brother and a sister. 

Let's say he left an estate valued at $100,000. He had verbally expressed his wish to give one-third of the estate to charity, but there is no written will. 

How should his estate be calculated and distributed according to Islamic inheritance laws? 

Additionally, because the deceased was ill for the last six months and suffered from dementia, he was unable to perform Salah (prayers) during that time. Should Fidyah be paid for the missed prayers, and if so, from which portion of the estate?

Standing and eating fruit

Q: Is standing and eating fruit a Sunnah? 

I know that standing and drinking Zamzam is a Sunnah... However it was mentioned to me by someone that it's sunaah to stand and eat fruit and that it is the only thing that's permissible to stand and eat. Can mufti Saheb please advise.