Premarital relationship

Q: I am a Muslim girl but not a good Muslim. I started chatting to a hindu boy. Now we love each other but today I am ashamed of my deeds. I started wearing purdah and praying five times a day. I made dua and apologized to Allah from my heart. Now the hindu boy is in love with me. but I cant leave Islam. What should I do now? He is not embracing Islam. Should I stop talking and chatting to him ven if he gets hurt?

Working for a company that accepts the bank's interest

Q: I have a question regarding my job. I work in a technical firm as an engineer and my company pays me a monthly salary. My company take projects from clients and after completion of projects the client pays money to company, company puts that money in the bank and then our salary comes. Although i am not sure that either company takes interest from the bank or not, but i know that in my country Pakistan, every other company does that so there is a very high possibility that my company also takes interest from bank. So now our salary comes from (Client's money + Bank interest). So what is the Islamic ruling on this issue.

Wazeefah to pay debts

Q: We are in big debt. Since two months our company is also not running that smooth. Please give me some wazifa to recite or something to pay the debt as soon as possible. Also, please give some wazifa for barkat in our work and factory.

Marrying a Shia

Q: I have recently been in a difficult situation to figure out if a marriage between a Sunni girl and Shia guy is allowable?

I have done a lot of research on this and on each other’s aqaid please enlighten me with your knowledge.

Equality between one's children

Q: There are 4 sons, youngest son lives with parents, father is alive and decides to give youngest son 50% of the house share and 50% remaining to the other 3 sons. The youngest son has also purchased another house, but is living in the current one.

The other sons are not happy as they say that it was unfair for our dad to give more to the youngest, on the basis that he lives with him and in tradition the elder brothers should give youngest most.

The brother's refused the 50% share as they wanted full share, not half. Is there any sin on the father because he decided he wanted to choose who he likes to give?