Using halaal money from an account that accrues interest

Q: I have some fixed deposits which accrues some interest. Now if I perform Hajj/Umrah from the halal money i.e. not earned from the interest, will it be accepted? I ask this, because I heard that the prayers of the one who deals with riba are not accepted. I'd also like to know if my other prayers, i.e., Salah, Fasting etc, are accepted as well?

Do any of the following statements and actions constitute kufr?

Q: Do any of the following statements and actions constitute kufr:

1. One's mother walks into the room to pray, and you tell her to go pray somewhere else (or go pray in another room) because you're watching something on your computer.

2. Committing sinful acts (like watching pornography, masturbation, listening to music) in the same room where the Holy Qur'an is kept, and other Islamic books and literature is kept (like books of Durood Shareef).

3. Someone says that the Old Testament is barbaric and harsh, and one nods and smiles in agreement.

Punishment for zina

Q: I want to know about the punishment given for committing zina. They say they should be given 100 lashes. My question is, what if the two that committed zina, never committed it with another person, and both are willing to get married, are they still given this punishment?

Reciting Qur'an in Salaah at home

Q: While reading through your fatwas I came across one topic that has drawn my attentions. The fatwa was about "Moving into a new home". At the end part of the article there was a statement which read as follows:-"Hadhrat Ibn Mas'ood (Radhiyallahu Anhu) has reported that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "A deserted house is one in which the Holy Qur'an is not recited."" I just wanted to know that, whether reading Namaz can be considered as recitation of Quran, as we read verses of the Holy Qur'an while performing salat itself?

Reciting the Qur'an even though one does not understand Arabic

Q: I am 18 years old and my father forces me to read Quran online for 1.5 hours every week at set times. I am busy in my studies so this is an annoyance to me and I think it's unnecessary because I have already finished the Quran and sill don't know it's meaning because I've never read it in English and I am reading it in Arabic again. Is this wrong of my father to force me into this? Is it minor shirk? 

Handing over the right of talaaq to the wife

Q: My wife and I have been going through some problems and we have been arguing for a over a year and I was fed up so I gave her the right of divorce (tafweedh), the other day we were arguing and she had just come of the phone with her ex husband, the father of her daughter whom she had also had an argument with. I said to her that she was upset after arguing with him and she was taking it out on me. She said "We always become one afterwards" in urdu and I repeated to her that thats fine you become one with him, you become one and then she said yes we will, sarcastically. I was upset and I repeated it that you become one and then she uttered the words I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you in urdu 3 times... Now I dont know where we stand and neither does she. Really, deep down she doesnt want the divorce and to be honest neither did I. Please help us and give us guidance on this matter.