Touching one's daughter with lust
Q: What is the Shar’i ruling regarding a person who touched his daughter with lust, will his nikaah with his wife (daughter's mother) break?
Q: What is the Shar’i ruling regarding a person who touched his daughter with lust, will his nikaah with his wife (daughter's mother) break?
Q: Is equality waajib during a journey?
Q: Is there any sin if one perceives more love within his heart for one wife, though he shows equal attention and maintains equality between his wives?
Q: Does the husband still have to maintain equality in the night turns when he is ill?
Q: Is there equality in sexual relations i.e. the number of times the husband had relations with one wife, is it compulsory upon him to have relations with the other wife the same number of times?
Q: How will the husband divide his time equally amongst his wives if he works during the night and is free during the day?
Q: Can you explain the method of equal distribution of time between wives and does equality of time extend to the day as well or is it restricted to the night? Similarly, could you inform me from what time till what time is it considered night? Does it end at Subah Saadiq or sunrise?
Q: If a person has two wives, one young and one old, is equality waajib between both?
1. In Islam, is it compulsory upon the husband to exercise equality between his wives?
2. In which aspects does the husband have to exercise equality between his wives?
Q: I follow the Shafie madha-hab. I discovered after 9 months of marriage that if the husband touches his wife her wudhu breaks. How do I repay all the salaahs I performed without wudhu?