Is it necessary to return money that was given as a gift?

Q: Me and my older sister have had a big fall out recently. She then sent me a message through a family member that she wants back £1000 she gave me 13-15 years ago. I have absolutely no recollection of this. She doesn't believe I don't remember it. At that time I was at university and she claims she helped me out by giving me this money and I was supposed to return it. My question is why didn't she ever mention it to me before or tell another family member. She is claiming if I don't pay it back she will hold me responsible on day of judgement. Please where do I stand? If she can produce a copy of a cheque that old drawn out to me where do I stand?

Returning an item

Q: I've a question which keeps disturbing me. Before traveling to another city where my mom lives, I bought an abaya from a local shop in Jeddah for my mother. Unfortunately that abaya was not my mom's size. After 2 weeks my husband and I went to the shop and returned it but the shopkeeper was reluctant to take it back and when he got to know that it's been weeks he refused to take it back because he didn't want to give us the cash back. When my husband persuaded him he said okay if you bring back the box in which the abaya came I'd take it back. the box was of almost no monetary value and he had tons of it in his shop and usually people don't take boxes with them they just take the abaya in a bag. We had the abaya in the bag and the abaya was never worn but he wouldn't agree. He just didn't want to take it back. My husband was very polite in the beginning but then he got angry and with some argument the shopkeeper cut 10% from the original cost and gave us the cash back very rudely. My husband said to his face that bengalis are bad people, I tried to stop my husband but he was way too angry. The shopkeeper said that I'll see you on the judgment day and take my money. It's been 2-3 months but I still feel guilty. I dunno if we were at right or wrong? Should We return the shopkeeper his money or should we let it go? Usually there no conditions on return or exchange. And abayas are sold too quickly so even if you got an abaya on order you can return and it and get another. I dunno law of shariah here. I just want to know that if the money was not haram for us because my husband forced the shopkeeper.

Keeping the name Abdullah

Q: I want to use name Abdullah for newborn. Is it ok considering the child will not be able to give adequate care to protect Allah's name in his books, school papers, etc. To avoid desecration during growing up years bound to be thrown around, is it better to use another name or is it allowed?

Convincing one's mother to get a divorce

Q: My father has been treating my mother with unnecessary banter and quarrels for about 20 years now. I don't remember a time in my house where we openly laughed. My father does not love my mother, because if he did he'd see the pain he's causing her. My father yells at my mother for no reason and accuses her of such she didn't do. He doesn't trust her as well. He's been causing her all this pain and she's been dealing with it just for her two daughters. I suggested she divorce him. My dad has had a previous wife as well which he divorced. What should I do? Should I convince my mom to get a divorce and be happy?

Deceiving to get a job

Q: I would like to know I have done a course in sap basis and I want to apply for a job as a fresher. I won't get any offers so in my city I can get experience by paying amount to the consultant. Hence by adding that experience to my resume is allowed with actually not working for those company's. Is it ok in shariyah to do this, please advice me.