Warning someone about being deceived by a certain person

Q: I have given some money to a person who promised me to give me back on Wednesday but he didn't, then he promised to give me Friday and he broke his promise again. Likewise it is more than a week now and I still did not get my money back. I fear he might have tricked me to take money from me and he actually didn't need it urgently.

1. My question is that he also knows my brother and he may ask my brother for money as well and he do the same to him. Can I inform my brother about this so that he is aware of the situation and he does not get tricked?

2. If I complain to my brother about him then this will this be counted as back biting (gheebat) and I should not tell my brother?

Spouses urinating and excreting on each other during sexual relations

Q: My husband insists that we do golden shower (where he urinates on me and vice versa) and scat (where he stools on me and vice versa) during foreplay as this is his fetish. Is it allowed that we do this? I am scared that he maybe hit and abuse me if I refuse him of this pleasure. He also wants to ejeculate semen in my mouth when he cums. Is it allowed for him to do this because he says I will be getting sin and punishment if I do not obey him. Please give me some advise on what to do.

Pouring water over urine drops

Q: When I went to toilet if some drops of urine fall on ground where there was still water from before, then I pour large amount of water such as half bucket on the area most likely urine had fallen, so will the ground be pure and then if some drops of that ground water splash on my clothes. Do I need to wash my clothes. The ground has not dried or it won't dry only because water is standing still in toilet ground. Not All water but some amount of water.

False statements regarding husbands rights

Q: I am a young Muslim trying to learn about Islam. I am confused about the rights a husband is given in Islam. Basically, in our patriarchal society that has adopted many myths/beliefs/practices from Indo-Pak culture and polytheistic religions, some of our clerics attribute certain rights to husbands that go against the fundamental principles of Islam.

For example, our clerics say that a husband has authority over his wife like a master has over his slave, whereas Islam clearly says that authority is for Allah alone and attributing authority to anyone else is shirk.

Secondly, our clerics say that a husband has the right to be obeyed as long as it doesn't go against shariah. Whereas there is not a single Quranic verse or a single Hadith in Sahih Bukhari that a husband has such a right. Rather what is said in Quran is that both believing men and women are commanders to each other as they forbid what's wrong and enjoin what's good. Quran tells us in clear wordings that men and women are each other's *partners* and a Muslim must always conduct his affairs with *mutual consultaion/shoora* So even if there are some non authentic/daeef/disputed ahadith about obeying husband, can they alone be used to make such a serious ruling that affects every house?

Thirdly, our clerics say that after marriage, a husband has more right over a woman than her parents. Whereas Quran makes it clear for every Muslim male and female that after Allah Ta'ala and His Messenger, parents have the most right over a person. The hadith by Al-Hakeem which goes like, "who has the most right over a woman..." has been classified daeef by many scholars, so again... can such disputed ahadith be given priority over clear cut verses of Quran? Fourthly, it is a very fundamental thing that humans have been given the will/choice by Allah to follow His path or not. But some clerics say that suddenly a husband gets the right to use force if his wife doesn't obey him in any matter/or does something unIslamic, like he can shout at her, hit her or close her in a room/house etc. Whereas, Islam teaches us to give peaceful counseling to people who do wrong things, and pray to Allah for their well-being, perhaps Allah may guide them some time/days/months/years later towards the right path. So according to you, does a husband has the right to even force his wife to obeying him?

Aayatul Kareemah khatams

Q: What is the status of Aayatul Kareema Khatams? The Aayatul Kareema zikr is recited many thousands of times at these khatams. Sometimes a hall is hired for these khatams and invitations are sent out encouraging women to attend. I have faith in zikr, but are these khatams established from the Sunnah?