Installing urinals on one's premises

Q: My father built a new building for his business; I noticed that urinals were installed in the employee bathrooms. When I asked my father, he said that not everyone is a Muslim and that these urinals are for his non-Muslim employees.

1. Is it permissible to install urinals in one's office building, supermarket, shop etc.?

2. Is it permissible for a Muslim plumber to install a urinal?

Vaginal discharge


1. What is the ruling if a woman has vaginal discharge every now and then, does she have to break her salaah and make wudu again?

2. Can she recite the Quran?

3. Does she have to change her clothes?

4. Please make dua that I can read my fajar salah daily. I am trying hard but I cannot wake up for fajar. Please make dua and tell me a way that I never miss my salah.

Refraining from asking the husband questions which may irritate him

Q: My husband recently started a new business course. I asked him how many women are there in the class and he got very angry and said I am pathetic and a sad person.

1. Islamically is it okay for a wife to enquire such things from her husband?

2. Can you please refer me to specific duas to help our marriage and to calm my husband down as he has a very bad short temper (with everyone).

Unpaid zakaat of the deceased and fidyah for the missed Salaahs and Fasts

Q: I am required to pay the religious liabilities and obligations of my deceased father . I am unsure about the various categories of the obligations for e.g. unperformed Salaah, zakat , unkept fast. I wish to settle the amount up to a maximum of 1/3 of the estate but I am unsure how to categorize the payment . How is the obligation defined/ categorised?