
Q: Unfortunately many of us Muslims are now suffering from obesity including myself. Are there any prescriptions from Islamic sources with which to combat this lifestyle disease and to lose weight?

Utterances of kufr by a bipolar person

Q: Are the utterances of irtidad by an bipolar manic person considered? Will fasakh when in the state of mania take place of he's nikah? What happens when the Mania is induced to not being diagnosed in time, and no utterence of talaaq was mentioned, and yet the wife was removed from the marital home without the husband's permission, only for the husband to be told (not in writing) that his nikkah is over? Does the nikkah stand? What are the husband's rights?

Marital problems

Q: My husband and I are not living together. He had me thrown out of our marital home when I was pregnant. He has also uttered talaaq and revoked it. He has since moved back to his ex wife who he irrevocably talaaq. He is aware they living in haraam and refuses to let me go. He has asked me for sex saying we can get a room to which I refused and he got angry. He doesn't see to any of my needs but expects me to have sex with him then he brings me back to my mother house and he goes back to his mistress. Do I have a right to refuse him. Because now he using the deen against me whereas he not living according to Allah laws.

Urinating in one's sleep

Q: I suffer from urinary incontinence. Sometimes I feel very tired during the day but I am not able to sleep due to fear of urinating in my sleep. I sometimes would like to take a nap for 5 minutes but unable to do so. If i do fall asleep for a few minutes and discover that it has been soiled then what do I need to do. I have been suffering since childhood.