Doubts regarding wudhu

Q: I dont know if its a problem or its natural everyday. For the last few months a white liquid comes through my penis and Alhamdullilah I perform five time prayers. I put underwear but when I am going for namaz, I dont wear underwear. Sometimes while I offer namaz I feel liquid is coming, please explain.

Organizations making videos of relief work

Q: What is the Shariah ruling on videos. It has become common practice for Ulema to lecture in video, as well as 'reputable' muslim NGO making videos of visits to foreign countries where they provide assistance. Recently a visit to Albania, the visit is on video of Ulema presenting food etc. to the impoverished of that country. Orphans are made to stand in front of cameras receiving aid.

Doubt regarding talaaq

Q: In drama serial a husband gives divorce to his wife. At that time my husband ask me, han fiza knsi hotel krwani hai then I have waswasa that can our divorce take place? And then I tell the situation to my husband and he said that it is tv drama not real and then he give me a example that, agar do bande jhoot bol rahe hn aur hum ameen bol de tau kia hum b jhootey ho jaengye, because of this example our divorce took place or not?


Q: I heard this from someone. Wanted to know if it is authentic

1. Imam Ahmed bin hambel said "tell your child to offer prayer and keep doing this for three days. If he doesn't listen, kill him on the 4th day.

2. Fold the ja-e-namaz/musalla/praying mat after you finish praying otherwise shaitaan comes and sits/prays on it.

Eye contact with boys and girls

Q: I want to know what is the fact beyond eye to eye contact beacuse when I look into eyes of small girls they get in strong contact with me. I only did 30 or 40 times of eye contact because of I feel shame by doing so not only girls and also boys. I probably feel that I am talking with his soul. I go deep inside it like talking with evil like that and that he will be under me.