Hadith explanation

Q: I have three questions:

1. Our Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said like this that to say If I did this that could happen theses types of sayings is shaitans words. But why its said that if you do this, this will happen such as  if I have a simple niqah it will be full of baraqah. Then when someone doesn't have a simple wedding and doesn't have baraqah.. Can't we say that if they had a simple wedding they would have baraqah? Why is it?

2. There's a hadith that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)'s time there used to be beggars who had money but yet they used to beg, Prophet (pbuh) said that it would bring them jahannam but He used to give them money as Allah didn't like misery for him. Nowadays there is a business of begging, when someone is begging we feel that they are related to business. If we give them money isn't it promoting the business? Whom should we give money to? If someone asks can we reject them?

3. Is working in credit debit section in bank haram? If my husband works in it what can I do as a wife?


Q: If any one follows Imam Abu Hanifa and he knows hanafi fiqh very well. If he leave his fiqh with one reason for hurmat-e-musaaharah and follows another Imam, if he prays namaz and other worship according to another fiqh, his namaaz and worship are accepted or not?

Removing hairs with fire

Q: I want to ask a question about cutting or shaving hairs from body. I have notice that in modern age every professional works with new techniques or formula. Last time i have seen a barber cutting hairs with fire and other one cutting with special jelly. Some locals told that this method is haram in Islam and it is proved by ayaat or hadith only metallic cutters allowed for men for shaving purpose from different parts of body. Kindly guide me on this topic.

Belongings of a deceased child

Q: My six months old son passed away during his fifth surgery at the operation bed. I donated his medical equipment to the hospital and friends who were doctors to use them. But his clothes, feeders and cot, etc. are kept safe for future use. Do I need to distribute them in wirasat also? Is there wirasat of such children who pass away at an early age?