Asking for forgiveness

Q: Two days ago I quarreled with my cousin and we both hit each other but after quarreling I realized that I did a very bad thing and next day I went to him for forgiveness and I fell down at his feet and I asked him to forgive me but he is not ready to forgive me at any cost, even though I fell down at his feet and asked him for forgiveness. Kindly guide me what I have to do. I am very guilty but my cousin is not forgiving me. Kindly help me. I am very depressed.

Using a pill to regulate one's period


1. Is it permissible for a woman who has irregular cycles to use the pill in order to regulate her cycle so that she may be pure for her Nikah?

2. If she does not, and her menses begin on the day of her Nikah, what should be done?

3. If she is in her menses on her first night, when should her husband lead her in Salaah as is advised to do on the first night?

Working in the accounts department of a company that sells alcohol

Q: I am working in the accounts department of a company that has a chain of restaurants. In these restaurants, they also sell alcohol. I only work in the accounts department and I don’t sell alcohol, but I do upload invoices on to their system that have records of the alcohol sales. In this case, am I allowed to work at such a place? Will my earnings be halaal?

False accusations

Q: I would like to know my husband's brother has accused me of interfering in is life about 12 years ago. He accused me of all sorts of unbelievable things then also accused my husband saying he is aware of what I do. We have asked him to bring the proof of his accusations but till today he can't. We haven't spoken to him since but every now and again he comes up with something new that I apparently did. We have chosen to forget about him as we have tried to resolve the issue many times but he would not listen or believe us and cannot prove anything. We have been accredited for hajj this year. Insha-Allah we have every intention on going I would like to know what do we do in this case with regard to greeting him. I am afraid that should I be the better person and ask for maaf as to clearings conscience incase I have hurt him knowing or unknowingly he might use this against me and say that I did do all those bad things to him and now admitted it and asked for maaf. Also this has caused a split in my husband's family with some believing me and some believing him. I really don't know what to do, I have made so much of dua for Allah to clear my name from the accusations. Do I have to greet him and what does my husband do in this situation. Jazakallah

Parents fighting

Q: My question is regarding parents fighting and being separated. They have been fighting my whole life with as time passes fights have gotten uglier with lots of physical and verbal abuse. I am married now and stay a few hours away from them but they still drag me into their arguments and both expect me to say they are right and the other is wrong. I'm really tired and can't deal with it anymore. I just can't move on with my life and they keep dragging me down making me feel guilty that I am happy with my husband. What is the Islamic ruling on parents who do that. I don't want to be disobedient to them in any way because I fear Allah's punishment but I don't know what to do and how to deal with this.

Vodacom Play Everyday promotion

Q: Vodacom (mobile service provider) introduced something called Play Everyday. It involves playing a game at a cost of R1, wherein you can win different sorts of prizes like airtime or mobile data. Whether you win or not is randomly calculated. Is this permissible or is it a form of gambling?