Travelling for umrah without a mahram

Q: I am a unmarried girl. I feel too restless nowadays. And I am worried about my life nothing working appropriately. Everything goes wrong. Now every time I feel if I go to umrah then all problems will be sorted out. But I can not go with any mahram. One of my colleagues and her mom and one family will be going soon. Can I go with them though they aren't my relatives. What should I do?

Mother asking her children for financial assistance

Q: Is it wrong for a mother to seek some assistance from her sons, of which all three are working, even if her husband is working? My sons feel that I must first divorce my husband before they will help me or he must sell his car so he can have more money to maintain me. I only asked for R200 from each of them towards my medical costs. Please advise me if I am wrong in asking them for assistance.