Doubts regarding ghusal
Q: What things can cause orgasm? Is being nervous to avoid such thoughts equal to orgasm? Does any discharge after being nervous need ghusl? If in doubt what to do whether it was orgasm or nervousness?
Q: What things can cause orgasm? Is being nervous to avoid such thoughts equal to orgasm? Does any discharge after being nervous need ghusl? If in doubt what to do whether it was orgasm or nervousness?
Q: If a women is pregnant and the doctor recommends not fasting for the health of the baby, can she miss the fasts of Ramadan and make them up after the baby is born?
Q: I am a unmarried girl. I feel too restless nowadays. And I am worried about my life nothing working appropriately. Everything goes wrong. Now every time I feel if I go to umrah then all problems will be sorted out. But I can not go with any mahram. One of my colleagues and her mom and one family will be going soon. Can I go with them though they aren't my relatives. What should I do?
Q: Is it wrong for a mother to seek some assistance from her sons, of which all three are working, even if her husband is working? My sons feel that I must first divorce my husband before they will help me or he must sell his car so he can have more money to maintain me. I only asked for R200 from each of them towards my medical costs. Please advise me if I am wrong in asking them for assistance.
Q: I work with an Indian who only accepts things with logic behind the principle. Today he asked me the following questions
1. How is it that we eat fish even though we don't slaughter it?
2. Why is it impermissible to eat meat such as horse, cat, dog etc?
It would be greatly appreciated if you could give the answers to these questions as I was speechless.
Q: In wudhu, masah of quarter of the head is fardh. How do you determine or how do you measure quarter of the head? Please give easy explanation in detail so that I can explain to the children?
Q: If a person made a wasiyyat (bequest) to be buried in a specific graveyard, is it incumbent upon the family of the deceased to fulfill the wasiyyat? At times it is difficult for the family to fulfil such a wasiyyat. Will the family be sinful if they do not honour and fulfil the wasiyyat of the deceased?
Q: How does one bury separated body parts e.g. parts of the body which were separated from the body through an accident?
Q: Can a parent be buried with the child in the same grave if the child is stillborn or has passed away after birth?
Q: Is smoking allowed in the graveyard?