Dogs barking with the Azaan

Q: There are 6-7 masjids in our area from where we easily hear the azan. One thing that is bothering is that as soon as muazzin of masjid 'A' starts calling azan, the dogs of this locality start barking. It happens 5 times a day, and only when muazzin of masjid 'A' calls azan. If muazzan is not there and some other person comes to masjid 'A' to call azan, then dogs do not bark. some people of locality say that this muazzan should be changed, others say these dogs must be thrown away. What could be the correct thing to do?

Marital problems

Q: Me and my wife entered into nikaah almost 3 months ago. At the time of nikaah she accepted me as her husband in front of more than 100 family members. Our date of marriage was fixed in February 2017 but unfortunately during her stay at her home in these three months, misunderstandings grew and she is now not willing to live with me. I really want to carry on the nikaah and do not want divorce. What should I do according to the teachings of Quran and Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?

Partaking of meals at the funeral house

Q: Could Mufti Saheb please clarify the following issues regarding meals at the funeral house:

1. We notice that after the burial, an announcement is made for those who attended to partake of meals at the funeral house, is it permissible for those who attended (e.g. family, neighbours, friends, etc) to partake of the meals?

2. What is the shar’ee ruling if relatives from far attend the funeral and no arrangements have been made for their meals and accommodation. Will it be permissible for the family of the deceased to provide accommodation and meals for them? Could Mufti Saheb please provide some guidelines in this regard.

3. If a person goes for ta’ziyat on the second or third day and is served some sweets or something to drink, will it permissible for him to accept it? Similarly, if he comes for ta’ziyat at a mealtime and he is asked to partake of meals, will it be permissible for him to partake of meals?

Using a broken comb

Q: I would like to know whether there is some ruling in islam that one should not comb his hair with a comb which is broken or just baseless belief? In some case they say it reduces rizq. Is it true?