Does it effect the nikaah if the spouses do not have relations?

Q: Due to our daughter's illness, all our concentration were on her health as she has by birth problem. Me and my wife didn't perform any husband and wife activity since last three years as we are more worried about our daughter's condition and her health. For not performing any action of husband and wife, is there any effect on our Nikaah? All we did is mutually agreed. Please advise.

Waswasas regarding ghusal

Q: In ghusl of janabat water must reach under finger and toe nail? After every ghusl I get different kinds of doubt like water is not reaching in my mustache or anything. What can I can do? I suffer waswasas after every ghusl. I am facing a lot of doubt. In ghusal janaabat, if I forgot washing any part of the body what can I do?

Understanding the verses of the Qur'an in their correct context

Q: Kindly guide me if ayat 53 of surah 39 being read alone without combining with ayat 54 gives a wrong notion of unconditional forgiveness from Haq Ta'ala, which is actually not the case and reform towards right path and leaving of deliberate sinning is a must for expecting His forgiveness. When ayat 53 alone is recited or explained in public, it sort of copies other religions prevailing preaching that do what you may, God is merciful. Similarly our religion is being pushed into the same concept of continue living a life of sins but along with also pray and fast and do pilgrimages and everything will be forgiven.


Q: We are 6 sisters, father died. He has 1 mother and 1 sister who is widowed and has 3 grown sons. She lives with her sons. In regards to inheritance. What is the share between all of these.

Marital problems

Q: My parents have been together for over 20 years but have had marriage issues for a very long time. Constantly fighting and arguing. Most of the time they do not speak to each other at all and my father has left the house three times but has come back. My parents even did their nikaah a second time the last time my father came back, for fear that their nikaah had become void by their separation. Now my father has come back again, but my parents have not spoken to each other at all for nearly 2 years. They do not say salaam to each other or even look at each other, let alone speaking to each other. We have tried mending their relationship numerous times, getting the elders involved, etc, but in the end they continue to fight and argue and it never works. The only reason they are staying together is because of us. Three of us are older and understand all this, but my youngest sister is 6 and my parents don't want to divorce for the sake of their children. However my mother is extremely worried that because of the way their marriage conditions are, their nikaah is not valid and it is haraam for them to live together. So taking into consideration all that I have said, and the fact my parents have not spoke to each other or had relations for nearly 2 years, is their nikaah now invalid and is it haraam for them to live together? My father has not actually divorced my mother by saying it verbally.

Girl getting married without consulting her father

Q: I would like to know, I am separated from my elder daughter's mother, and my daughter lives with the mother. My daughter made nikaah a few days ago, and she used consent from her mother's current husband, although I maintained her all through the years, but when she graduated from university, and started working, she distanced herself from me. There was a proposal for her, which I was informed about, but as time passed, approvals, wedding dates were set by her mother, without consulting me. Subsequently the nikaah happened last Saturday. I was not informed by either her or her mother about the date. I would like to know is it permissible for her to use her mother's current husband as a person to give consent for the nikaah?

Dreaming of white clothing

Q: I had a dream that all my jackets turned into white and I asked my mom that why did my all jackets turn white but then she didn't answer me. I was a little bit sad but then at the same time I was so happy because every time I would touch the jackets, they were so soft and bright.