Sewing velcro onto the ihraam
Q: Is it possible to sew a piece of velcro on Ihraam? Normally I use a pin, however I will be wearing ihraam on the plane and no pins are allowed in luggage.
Q: Is it possible to sew a piece of velcro on Ihraam? Normally I use a pin, however I will be wearing ihraam on the plane and no pins are allowed in luggage.
Q: Is it okay for me to pray zuhr prayer at home on Friday instead of going to the masjid to pray jumah when the masjid is really far away? I don't have a car yet to be able to drive there, and my family members are too busy with work and college to drive me to the masjid and then bring me back home.
Q: My fiance and I were suppose to get married this month but he lost his job so he cancelled the wedding and now he is reading isthikara Salaah to see if we should get married after being with me for almost 3 years and I'm so scared and worried about a negative answer because I'm already in love with him. Please give me some advice as to whether it's right to read it when we came so far and so close to getting married. I am so worried I feel sick. When I first met him I read isthikara and dreamt of his mum giving me a gift and now he dreamt of a black cloth. I'm so worried really. Please give me some advice.
1. Going to gym a where music is played. Is it allowed if i am going only to be fit?
2. What are the methods in Islam to loose weight or stay fit?
Q: Is a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) halaal?
1. Is it permissible to do tayammum for salah after having cataract surgery, the doctor has advised to avoid water?
2. What is the method of doing tayammum?
3. Is it permissible to do tayammum on a roof slate or roof tile?
Q: Is a person supposed to raise his hands while making dua in the following scenario:
a) When making dua for deceased at his home.
b) At the graveyard before/after burying the deceased.
Q: I'm planning to enter a skit competition and I'm planning to use copyrighted music in the skit. If I do win the competition, Is the money I've won considered as haraam?
Q: I have a question about jinn possession. Someone in my family is, I think possessed by a jinn. He has be showing the symptoms of jinn possession and I don't know what to do. I am his younger brother 16 years old and he is in his late 20s. He doesn't listen to dad and has arguments with him about Qur'an and Allah Ta'ala. Now he usually just stays in his room all day, sleeps, doesn't go to work, stares at things for periods at a time, and has bad mood swings. Please if there is any advice on what to do.
Q: If a person makes an intention of going for Haj and starts saving but passes away, will it be counted as if the person went for Haj?