Going to a football stadium

Q: According to the below would it be permissible to go to a football stadium where there is music taking place?

(دعي إلى وليمة وثمة لعب أو غناء قعد وأكل) لو المنكر في المنزل ، فلو على المائدة لا ينبغي أن يقعد بل يخرج معرضا لقوله تعالى : - { فلا تقعد بعد الذكرى مع القوم الظالمين } در المختار

( قوله لا ينبغي أن يقعد ) أي يجب عليه قال في الاختيار لأن استماع اللهو حرام والإجابة سنة والامتناع عن الحرام أولى ا هـ رد المحتار

ذهب الفقهاء إلى أنّ الاستماع إلى المعازف المحرّمة حرام , والجلوس في مجلسها حرام , قال مالك : أرى أن يقوم الرّجل من المجلس الّذي يضرب فيه الكبر والمزمار أو غير ذلك من اللّهو , وقال أصبغ : دعا رجل عبد اللّه بن مسعودٍ رضي اللّه تعالى عنه إلى وليمةٍ , فلمّا جاء سمع لهواً فلم يدخل فقال : ما لك ؟ فقال : سمعت رسول اللّه صلّى اللّه عليه وسلّم يقول : « من كثر سواد قومٍ فهو منهم ومن رضي عمل قومٍ كان شريكاً لمن عمله » . الموسوعة الفقهية الكويتية

Urine drops after making istinja

Q: As a person suffering from voluntary drops of urine after making Istinja'a, in prayer and in some other times.

1- Can I pray like that?

2- Can I lead salaahs? People sometimes choose me to lead the salaah because I have memorized the Qur'an.

3- Whenever I go to the mosque, I also pray nawaafils. After I reach home, I use to recite the Qur'an, must I re-perform ablution for the recitation or I will use that of the salaah, for all the time wasted?

4- I heard that a person like me can't perform two obligatory prayers with one ablution, when will I perform ablution for each salaah? Is it after or before adhaan?

5- If after maghrib I stay at the mosque, if it comes to time for isha'i, must I perform istinja'a before ablution?

6- Can I pray more salaah with that cloth?

Second wife forgoing her rights to the first wife

Q: I am a married muslim man. Some days back I met a Muslim woman who is willing to marry me as my second wife. I just said no as we need to deal justly with both wives. Now my question is the woman who needs to marry me says that she does not need equal treatment, she says she will forgo her rights to the first wife. She told me to just make a fixed amount I can spend on her monthly and the days I can be with her. Now I want to know if the girl is ready to forgo her rights is that ok to marry her?