Seeking the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala and disregarding one's feelings

Q: Now a days I am too much distracted. Actually I am going to get back on track after a big time gap. But can't get a Push. Wazkur rabbaka iza naseeta. This ayat is striking my mind because I forgot Him. Surely, He never. Whenever I try to offer prayer, I feel it mountainous (auzubillah). I leave without any reason. Even if I pray, my body and mind doesn't support me. I feel lazy. Where Allah Ta'ala says wastaeeno bisabri was salati, innaha la Kabeeratan Illa alal khaashieen? Who are khashieen? And how can I find peace and happiness in prayer. How can I pray it happily? Also I almost always offered Farz Namaz. And ran away from sunnat and nawafil considering them unimportant. Even now I just try to run away.

Witr Salaah

Q: Can you please brief me on the different ways to praying witr salaah? and what is the niyah we make for the first two rakaah when we pray two rakah then one rakaah witr. Moreover, is it okay after returning to standing form (after ruku) we raise our hand reciting Dua Qunut and make dua.

Loyalty points

Q: A person gave me money in order to purchase some items for him from an online store. This online store has a 'Loyalty Programme' where one receives 'reward/loyalty' points in proportion to a fixed percentage of the total purchase price. I have now received these 'reward/loyalty points' in direct lieu of the purchase I made using his money. The 'reward/loyalty points' for this purchase amount to R450. These points are not exchangeable for cash. Furthermore, I only received these points after making payment; I could not use these points to receive a discount on his purchase. Since I used his money, am I entitled to these points? Or must I give him R450 in cash (as one cannot send/transfer points)?

Boiling Zam Zam water

Q: In may 2016 we went to umra from their we brought the Holy zam zam water. Till Ramadan we used it and the remaining half bottle we kept. Now I opened to use and finish the water. I saw some tiny particles like sand not bacteria in the water. Shall we boiled the water and use it?

Dissecting a pig

Q: I have to dissect a pig for one of my classes in school and I will be in contact with the pig but I will have gloves on but will I need to take ghusal when I come home? Also I have that class in the morning meaning I have school after that for 5 more hours. Will my learning utensils and jacket become napaak since it is winter because I will have to use them after dissecting?

Husband involved in a haraam relationship

Q: I need some advice on my marriage problem. After four months of my marriage my husband confessed to me that he doesn't love me at all and is in love with another girl from before marriage. He only got married to me because he was angry and wanted to get over her. He never gave any feeling like he doesn't like me at the beginning of marriage he even accepted me as a wife, it after 2 or 3 weeks I could see he was changing and had a strong gut feeling. Now he asking me for some time to change but doesn't know exactly how long it will take. He accepted he loves his ex too much he doesn't know if he could forget her and start loving me. I really wanted to know in this situation what am I supposed to be doing, are we still supposed to be staying together as wife and husband and is our marriage still valid can I also include all this is really affecting me mentally.