Seeking the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala and disregarding one's feelings
Q: Now a days I am too much distracted. Actually I am going to get back on track after a big time gap. But can't get a Push. Wazkur rabbaka iza naseeta. This ayat is striking my mind because I forgot Him. Surely, He never. Whenever I try to offer prayer, I feel it mountainous (auzubillah). I leave without any reason. Even if I pray, my body and mind doesn't support me. I feel lazy. Where Allah Ta'ala says wastaeeno bisabri was salati, innaha la Kabeeratan Illa alal khaashieen? Who are khashieen? And how can I find peace and happiness in prayer. How can I pray it happily? Also I almost always offered Farz Namaz. And ran away from sunnat and nawafil considering them unimportant. Even now I just try to run away.