Unsure whether one should give a ring to one's friend or one's daughter

Q: I got a best friend since school years till now who has been much help to me when I am in trouble. She doesn't need anything in return but I feel that I would feel much better giving her something that is dear to me. I got this diamond ring that I love and was thinking of giving it to her as a remembrance of our friendship. I know she doesn't need it but in the same time my heart is like telling me that maybe it would be better to keep the ring and give it to my daughter when she grows up. I don't know whether its the shaitaan telling me not to. What should I do? I love my friend and I love my daughter. To whom should I give the ring?


Q: I have a shop in Karachi. A friend of mine has opened a business in the shop. I did not agree to sharing the profit but agreed that he pays a nominal rent until the shop goes in profit. He is paying is this nominal rent. But he keeps saying that we should agree on some deal that relates to the profit in the business. A suggestion is that instead of 'ijareh I become a partner in business. Can I consider the shop as investment from my side equal to the market price of the shop? He also has invested in the shop. So is it jaíz if we make a deal that 60% of the total profit will be for his efforts paid to him and the remaining 40% will be divided based on the investment of each of us?

Wazifa for pain

Q: Can you please tell me what Du'a this is and what it should be read for:

ربنا الله الذي في السماء تقدس اسمك امرك فى السماء والأرض كما رحمتك فى الارض واغفر لنا حوبنا وخاطايانا انت رب الطيبين فأنزل شفاء من شفاءك و رحمة من رحمتك على هذا الوجع

Difficulty in wearing abaaya and scarf

Q: I am trying to wear abaaya and scarf. My nafs are troubling me a lot and it is making it difficult. Also my husband is modern so I also have thoughts like I'm not dresses smart enough etc. And nowadays females dress up a lot and also I do notice my husbands eyes do wander and also he does dress up so I feel like his dressed up and I'm not. What advice can you give me to make it easier for me?

Another question is that If one is trying to wear abaya and scarf and I look at the clothing in a mall which are not Shar'ia compliant and feel in there heart that those clothes are so smart and maybe that wearing abaya and scarf is hard but doesn't say it out loud rather they pulled a face that could have been despondent or could have not been is that kufar? Or if they sigh out of difficulty of wearing abaya and scarf, is that kufar?

Living in a country that bans Hijaab


1. Can a Muslim live in a country that bans Hijaab in public (Like France).

2. According to Sheikh Awlaki, a Muslim cannot live in a non-Muslim country unless the person is involved in: - Propagating Islam, and practices it freely - Doing business - Seeking knowledge The above are short term interventions, but a Muslim cannot live there forever. Is this correct?

3. Is it true that a Muslim ruler cannot permit the propagation of any other religion other than Islam? Further, temples should be destroyed by a Muslim ruler?

Marital problems

Q: Because my husband totally owns the house we live in for 34 years, does that mean according to Islam that I cannot invite my son and his family from a previous marriage to visit us or spend a night with us. Please help me here, I was told that it is my husband's house and he has the right to refuse them, but his family and friends have the right to visit and stay. That since it is his house, and even though we are married, have 2 kids, that he has the right to tell me that I can leave his house. Please advise me, this us causing me much depression.