Performing one rakaat witr Salaah
Q: Can we pray one rakaat witr Salaah? Is this Salaah valid?
Q: Can we pray one rakaat witr Salaah? Is this Salaah valid?
Q: Please may I enquire on who would inherit from me upon my death? I have not married and have a mother and brother.
Q: Please may I enquire on whether it is permissible to finance one's vehicle by means of Islamic banking offered by FNB?
Q: If a woman takes an oath that “If I do this or do not do this, I will become a Kafir forever”. If she breaks the oath will she become a Kafir forever?
Q: My dad owes me some money, however he thinks that whatever money I give him, he doesn't have to pay me back. However I am the one that looks after his money fully. He keeps his savings with me also. Would it be permissible for me to take my money without telling him, he will not realise that I have taken my money as it is a very little amount. If I ask for my money back he may get upset and offended.
Q: Whatsapp has become a part of our lives undoubtedly. I have recently been through my husbands phone and became distressed immensely upon finding filthy jokes and videos which he forwards to a friend.what troubles me even more is that they are ulama of deen which we respect. Please give advise on the following How do we use it correctly? What is the status of these so called ulama groups. Do I have any reason to be upset or not?
Q: If one has missed the four Sunnah before zuhr and one reads it afterwards, should one read the two sunnah of zuhr first or the four sunnnah that one has missed first?
Q: Does zuhr time expire at the beginning of Asr shafi'i or at Asr hanafi time?
Q: Regarding intimacy, if a lady is on her menstruel periods, how does she fulfil her husbands desires?
Q: Our company has taken out a Sharia Compliant Retirement Annuity for the staff. The company pays the full contribution and it is included as a benefit on our annual salary. Staff have a choice of also contributing extra to this RA , some contribute an extra 3% to 6% of their salary to the RA voluntarily. I do not contribute anything extra towards this. (from next year it is going to be compulsory for everyone to contribute extra from their salaries) The rules of the RA are , if I leave the company I can cash out the RA but will only receive 60% of its value because 40% will go as taxes. Or I can reinvest the whole amount. Please advise if I have to pay zakaat on the value of this RA?