Breaking the fast through masturbating


1) If a person intentionally keeps masturbating and ejaculating during whole ramazan since he fasted 1st roza of his life so will masturbating and ejaculating broke his roza?

2) If rozas have broken due to masturbating will he have to done qaza for each roza or he will have to pay kaffara for each roza?

3) What is the qaza and kaffara of one broken roza intentionally?

The creation of Aadam (Alayhis Salaam)

Q: I was wondering, according to ulema, was Adams creation instantaneous? I read someone saying this about his creation: Was Adam molded as a rigid, lifeless statue and then did Allah say "Be!" and the clay particles were transformed into a 100 trillion cells each with a nucleus containing 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes, or did Allah create him over eons of time in a manner somewhat akin to the transformation that each and every one of the 7 billion humans alive today went through? whether the fashioning of Adam from clay was literal and instantaneous or figurative and over eons of time is not clear to me.

Parents not happy with one engaging in extra ibaadat

Q: I am a very hard worker and I have studied btech but I have one paper. That too will be cleared within two months. But my parents are in trouble and somewhat sad about me that I spend a lot of my time in ibaadat so can't Allah make everything easy that my parents will be happy because when I do prayers more, then I feel like I am blessed and everything goes good, but sometimes like in morning due to some home work, I feel from inside if somebody tells me anything and how should I make my parents happy.


Q: I'm from India. My question is can we Muslims living in non Muslim country like India can we vote for the democratical leader and can Muslims living in non muslim country such as India form a political party? I mean to ask is, is it right stay politically active in our country?

Stray thoughts

Q: I was cleaning feces and I was washing my hands after a while I was washing my hands and this stupid thought came to my head like what if you masturbated while cleaning feces and ever since my brain can't actually remember if I actually did which I really can't recall like I have no memory like all I remember is cleaning and getting up and wiping but should I consider myself as paak also if I wear a coat since its cold outside will it be najis now?

Keeping dogs

Q: I have a question regarding dogs, I know that keeping dogs is prohibited in Islam and that one can only keep a dog if they need it for herding cattle or hunting or guarding the house otherwise 2 qirats will be deducted daily and it is also a major sin, however I want to ask about the dog mentioned in Surah al Kahf and also how can we use dogs for hunting animals, won't the dog fetch the animal to his master by gripping from its mouth which contains saliva which is naajis. I also have read somewhere that you should clean any thing touched by a dog 7 times and the 8th time with soil, can we use soap to clean impurity or is soil to be used which opinion is correct. With regards to saliva of the dog I read on websites which say that imam Abu hanifa said that a dog's saliva is impure but their hair is clean provided it's not wet. Imam Malik said that both their hair and saliva is clean while imam Shafii differed the most saying that both their hair and saliva is unclean who is correct and what to follow. A question can one walk someone else's dog on a rope provided you do not touch the dog mouth and walk it without any cost and don't bring it inside the house is this okay. Finally I don't know but if you want to guard house using a dog can you keep him in the house provided that you don't pray or eat or sleep in that area.

The status of Yazeed and the position of the narrator Abu Mikhnaf

Q: Could you explain to me the correct opinion regarding Yazeed bin Mu'aawiyah? I read the book "Revealing the True Facts of Yazeed ~ The Incident of KARBALA and the Events that Followed". I found it to be very beneficial, however I have heard that there is a weak narrator by the name of Abu Mikhnaf, who appears in some of the reports quoted in the book. Is this correct? 

The reliability of the book "Revealing the True Facts of Yazeed ~ The Incident of KARBALA and the Events that Followed"

Q: Mufti Saheb, I have heard that some of the narrations in the book "Revealing the True Facts of Yazeed ~ The Incident of KARBALA and the Events that Followed" are quoted through a weak, shia narrator, by the name of Abu Mikhnaf. Is this correct? If it is, then can we quote from such narrators? 

Dua to be recited when leaving a gathering

Q: I have learnt the dua' said at the end of a gathering ("subhanakallahumma wa bihamdika ashhadu...") which compensates for vain talk etc in the gathering. My question is, can this dua also be said in the end of a telephone conversation? Since often much vain talk and possible backbiting etc goes on in telephone conversations. If so, is it OK if I say the dua after having closed the phone at the end of the conversation (rather than saying it whilst still in conversation) in order to not appear weird/strange (since the person I speak with might not understand)?