Misyaar nikaah

Q: Is the following type of marriage permissible: A Misyar marriage can be defined as an official marriage contract between a man and a woman, with the condition that the spouses give up one, two or several of their rights by their own free will. These include: living together, equal division of nights between wives in cases of polygamy, the wife’s right to housing (sukna) and financial support (nafaqa).


Q: Is it permissible for Muslims to use yoga as a form of exercising the body and mind without using the "Words" but only the "Actions".

Working for an Islamic Bank

Q: I was a Bank Manager in a Conventional Bank. I left the Bank after Allah Ta'ala blessed me with His guidance. Immediately after I left my Bank job, I got an offer from a person which was very good, almost too good to be true. I joined this person but as the days passed, all my savings from my previous Job were taken from me and I was left with nothing. Thereafter I remained jobless for almost 7 months after which I received an offer from a former acquaintance and I accepted. That job related to IT software very new to me but I managed to learn and work. After 4 years, the business turned bad and the company was dissolved. Now, I'm jobless again. Many people want me to join an Islamic Bank but I'm not sure if it is Islamic at all. I'm afraid that if I join the same sector, Islamic or otherwise, all the hardship I went through to get away from "Riba" would be useless. Please guide me about an Islamic Bank. Should I join?

Waswasas and doubts

Q: Please advise on any action to be taken or moreso specifically any Duaa to be read for protection against the evil whisperings of shaytaan which often occurs whilst reading Salaah or Quraan and as well as other acts of Ibaadaat. These evil thoughts are of a grave nature which is really bad but constantly comes to mind when reading Salaah and other Ibaadaat Salaah. As much as I try to ignore them, the more it occurs.

A) is Salaah valid if these thoughts cpme to mind whilst reading Salaah?

B) how should one avoid them? I also experience plenty of doubt so much so that sometimes I read the same Salaah couple of times.doubt is about if i read a Surah after Surah Fatiha, did I recite property, did i sit for Tashahud, did I miss a rakaat? I also experience lots of doubt whilst making wudhu?

C) how should these doubts be ignored?

D) with regards to Salaah, if i have doubts if I read a Surah after Surah Fatiha or if I read Tashahud, what should I do?

E) if I feel I read but in actual fact I never read at all, will my Salaah be valid?

F) with regards to Wudhu, if I doubt I broke Wudhu and I try to ignore the doubt, and feel that I did not break Wudhu, but in actual fact I did break wudhu and I read Salaah, Will my Salaah be valid?

G) If Salaah is read while evil Haraam thoughts cross the mind, Is the Salaah valid? Before I used to read Quraan and Salaah with ease, nowadays I feel it difficult due to the above, please advise on any course of action to take to remove them.

Organising a monthly Qur'an khatam on whatsapp

Q: I am part of a whatsapp group and we have decided that rather then just chatting and posting articles and news, we can do some good deeds together as a group. So alhamdulillah we have started a monthly Quraan Khatam. There is absolutely no force on those who can not manage or be part of the khatam. If anyone cannot manage their para for the month it is passed over to someone who can recite it. After the khatam is made we make the intention of isaale thawaab for all the marhoomeen. After a few months of this khatam which was going very well, somebody said to me that this practice is bid'ah as we have stipulated a time frame of this amal to one month and that we should stop this practice as it has no basis in deen. He also mentioned that our actions needs to be done with sincerity and not for show so it should not be done as a group. I do not want to perform any innovations in deen and I am really concerned. Some of the members are such that if it wasn't for this monthly khatam they would not have opened the Quraan not only for the entire month but rather for the entire year. Should I inform the members of the group and stop this practice or should it be continued?