Is Hazrat Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) alive in his grave
Q: Many Muslims belive that the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is alive in his grave with his own body. Is it believable?
Q: Many Muslims belive that the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is alive in his grave with his own body. Is it believable?
Q: We have an issue of distributing land amongst our family. My Grand mother died. She had 4 daughters and 1 son. The son died before her death, So according to islam is their any distribution of land amongst the family of her deceased son or not. I mean how could the whole land be divided by 4 daughters and the children of the deceased son. Remember the son died before my grand mother death. thanks for your precious time and consideration.
Q: My question is about my wife. I have normally extreme need of sex but my wife does not allow me to have properly she come to me only twice or thrice a month sometimes only one time. That also not willing by her only. She performs it as a formality. It has been 12 years of my marriage. In early days it was ok, but also not that much which could be normal among husband and wife but since more then 5 years she is does not take any interest. Give me any good answer. I love my wife but I don't want to do zina. Please guide me what should I do? Even if I discuses with her, she does not take anything serious. Am I allowed to do 2nd marriage in this condition?
Q: My question is about if someone wearing artificial jewellery or makeup and pray with it so prayer would be valid?
Q: If I say assalamu aleika isntead of wassalamu aleika ayyuhan nabiyyu in my tashahud, so AS instead of WAS.. are my all salahs valid or to be repeated? If during salah I realise I did this mistake again should I make sajda-sawh?
Q: Is it correct that even if a woman has different color discharges during her normal days (normal discharges) she still has to wait 10 days of her haidh no matter that around day 6,7,8,9 and 10 she has discharges of the same color as during her normal days?
And second question is, I may have all kind of colors till day 7, end of day 7 only slight white discharges, nothing on day 8, nothing on day 9 and then on day 10 again very slight white discharge. Does it mean that I still wait 10 days for my haidh to finish?
Question 3 is: what if I have no discharges after day 7 or 8, does it mean my haidh is over that day? If yes then i will have to redo salahs i missed waiting till day 10?
Q: You said that wazifa for kids good behaviour is to read Fatiha and blow on their food. Is blowing taken from hadeeth? I am afraid of such things because my mind fear everything that looks like not relying on Allah as I am afraid to commit shirk. You know hadeeth, I don't know them. Could you please share with me from which hadeeth it is taken and could you please let me know that whenever you give such advises its taken from the practice of our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)? You said not to give sweets and processed food to kids, what is the problem with that? Could you please share? Also I have a question. Asking Allah after salah about a pious husband in your own language is the same as the dua from Quran or this particular dua was given to us as a help from Our Allah and He advises us to recite it? Why must it be read 7 times, is it taken from hadeeth?
Q: If I give constant charity (10 times my zakaat amount) and pray to Allah to accept as my zakaat first then the rest as sadqa because He knows it all. I forget my zakat hisaab. Can I do that?
Q: Can we offer zuhr's four raakat sunnat-e-muakkadah after zuhr faraz namaz?
Q: The matter is that I have bought a bike. The original price of the bike is almost 40,000 rupees. But I have bought this bike on installments. So, I have paid 24,000 rupees in advance to owner of the shop and remaining 24,000 rupees I have to pay in installments of 8 months with monthly amount of installment is 3000. So, basic thing I want to ask Is this thing came into the radar of Interest according to teachings of Islam or not? I am looking forward for your detailed answer anxiously with complete proof according to teachings of Islam. I shall be very thankful to you.