Cleaning the utensils with one's finger after eating

Q: Is the statement below correct:


It was the practice of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) that after eating he would lick the utensil clean with his finger and not leave behind even a tiny speck of food and drink. He would even lick his fingers clean of any food particles. Rasulullaah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam ordered his followers to also do the same, as has been mentioned in many Ahadith. In fact, great virtues have been mentioned for this.

In a narration of Tirmizi it has been mentioned that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "The one who eats in a plate, then licks it clean (with his finger), the utensil seeks forgiveness for him."

In another narration it is mentioned that the utensil prays for him in the words: " May Allah free you from the fire as you have freed me from shaitaan (by not leaving any food behind for shaitaan)" (Mishkaat).

One should therefore always wipe the utensil clean and not leave behind anything for shaitaan.

Urine drops problem


1. Once after urinating some drops came and I touched it with my hand which was less than a dirham. At that time I assumed it to be water and ignored but now I think it was urine and with this same hand I touched the water bottle and I didn't wash it. Since then when I fill the bottle with cool water the outer portion also gets wet and my hand too, so was my hand najis all the time and I might have touched other objects after the hands got wet. I also might have prayed salaah in this way. Will my salah be valid? At that time the impurity was less than a dirham, but due to filling the water as the outer portion also gets wet, will the impurity spread and exceed the size of a dirham and make me najis as well?

2. I get a lot of waswasas about purity and about many other things. Please tell some effective ways to fight these waswasas. I try to ignore but I fail.


Q: I have been suffering from insomnia for a few months now. I do use a natural sleeping aid some nights but it does not really help. My sister has told me that a lack of sleep is due to sinning. Is this correct? I do introspect sometimes after my salaah and ask for forgiveness. Please assist me.

Addicted to watching porn

Q: My Friend, 27 years old is a porn addict. For over 6 years now he has been into this, and for him porn is inevitable. He asked my if I can help him get out of this predicament. So please my learned Shieks, help me so I can help my friend as he is badly in need for assistance.