Addicted to porn

Q: I need advice. I have a weakness of pornography. I can stop everything else but this one, I can't. I fight with the feeling and it goes sometimes when I listen to Quran but it comes back later. It keeps taunting and provoking me to do it. It is the only thing I want to stop. I read Quran and perform salaah everyday.


Q: My father commands that I fold one corner of my musalla after using it. He believes that Jinn will read Salaah on it and I will be harmed if I interrupt their Salaah. I have respectfully tried showing him that this is incorrect. However, he does not want to accept. He said he learnt this from his mother, hence it must be right. I do not want to show him the ruling that appears in Bahisti Zewar on the same; I fear that he may say something dangerous in a state on anger.

1. Is it necessary to follow his command in this matter?

2. If so, can I disobey it when he will not have any knowledge about it? Like if he is not around, for example.

Making an announcement in the Musjid regarding the sighting of the moon

Q: Can announcing the sighting of the new moon in the masaajid be considered a bidah. For the month of Ramadhaan and for both Eids I would think that it is important. But for the other months of the year is just writing on the musjid board not sufficient. Please comment and if possible give reference to practices during the time of our Beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).