
Q: I am a student of engineering. I have a problem that when after passing urine and also cleaning it with tissue for 2-3 minutes but when I come out of the washroom, after doing wudhu, in prayer some urine comes out. Sometimes the drops are visible but sometimes they dry out. My Question is that should I continue my prayer? If they dry out then what should I do? I mean then what will be the procedure to clean myself, clothes? Will my wudhu be broken?

The name Husain

Q: If you name a child "Husayn", how is it spelt in Arabic: الحسين or حسين. If it is spelt with ال, will it permissible to omit this in speech, i.e. calling him merely "Husayn" instead of "Al-Husayn"?

Donating bodies, organs and blood


1. Is it permissible to donate organs? For example, if a family member or a friend is in need of a kidney, are you allowed to donate your kidney?

2. Is it permissible to donate a body for medical research?

3. What is the Islamic ruling for donating blood?

4. If a family member is on a ventilation machine and there is no hope of recovery, is it permissible to disconnect it?