Getting married to the woman one committed zina with
Q: If a man had sex with a woman earlier, then he wants to marry the same woman, can he do it? Is it permissible in Islam?
Q: If a man had sex with a woman earlier, then he wants to marry the same woman, can he do it? Is it permissible in Islam?
Q: Is it permissible for a woman to take her husbands name after marriage as her last name? for e.g "iqra" marries "amir" she mentions her name as "iqra amir"
Q: Please comment on the following statement issued by the Jamiatul Ulama South Africa (JUSA) on Islamic TV stations.… Is this statement correct? Particularly the last paragraph?
Q: I am a student of engineering. I have a problem that when after passing urine and also cleaning it with tissue for 2-3 minutes but when I come out of the washroom, after doing wudhu, in prayer some urine comes out. Sometimes the drops are visible but sometimes they dry out. My Question is that should I continue my prayer? If they dry out then what should I do? I mean then what will be the procedure to clean myself, clothes? Will my wudhu be broken?
Q: If husband in anger says talaak three times just talaaq nothing else with it. Is talaaq done from uttering these three words?
Q: If you name a child "Husayn", how is it spelt in Arabic: الحسين or حسين. If it is spelt with ال, will it permissible to omit this in speech, i.e. calling him merely "Husayn" instead of "Al-Husayn"?
Q: Are the following Ahadith?
(1) "Seek knowledge even though it be in China.”
(2) “Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.”
(3) Also, is there a difference of opinion among the 'Ulama on the above?
Q: Regarding the Hadith relating to spending on one's family on the day of Aashura, does one have to purchase the items on the day of Aashura itself or can one buy it a few days before, due to work commitments, and give it to his family on the day of Aashura?
Q: I really want a powerful dua to do at tahajjud time to change my life and affairs for the best. I want to end my family conflicts once and for all. Please help.
1. Is it permissible to donate organs? For example, if a family member or a friend is in need of a kidney, are you allowed to donate your kidney?
2. Is it permissible to donate a body for medical research?
3. What is the Islamic ruling for donating blood?
4. If a family member is on a ventilation machine and there is no hope of recovery, is it permissible to disconnect it?