Beardless boy keeping a zulfa
Q: Can a young beardless boy keep a zulfa?
Q: Can a young beardless boy keep a zulfa?
Q: Allah Ta'ala says in the Holy Qur'an "And few of My servants are grateful." (Quran 34:13). In this Aayat when Allah Ta'ala speaks of "servants", which servants are Allah Ta'ala referring to; the believers (i.e. few amongst the believers are grateful) or the believers and non-believers (i.e. all among them are ungrateful except few)?
Q: Can I use drugs to lower my sexual desires?
Q: Is it permissible to pay a fee to view an animal e.g. such as when visiting a zoo?
Q: What types of banking accounts are permissible to open? Can I open a savings account with the intention that I will deduct the amount of interest earned from the total balance every month?
Q: Does falling asleep whilst sitting cross-legged break ones wudhu?
Q: I have a problem, a big problem. Inside my head/heart I always have a whisper that is very wrong if said using my mouth. The whisper is like it is easier if we don't need to do ghusl like others, whisper like ghusl is a burden. It happens in my head. Afterwards, I quickly do istighfar and say Lailaha ilallah muhammadur Rasulullah. I am afraid. I know its very wrong if I said that with my mouth and can be kufr.
Q: I'll try to keep this short and sweet. My family is originally from Pakistan and very cultural. My parents are currently trying to get me married as well. My mother claims that she performed Istikhara a year ago for a marriage proposal to her sisters daughter and had a dream where she was at their house celebrating. I on the other hand feel very uncomfortable with this relationship and prefer another woman that I have brought to my moms attention as well. On one hand I can go with my choice and disappoint my parents, or I can go with their choice and regret it myself. Do you have any guidance in the issue?
Q: I gave two goats for my sons Aqiqa. When the first goat was slaughtered I was ok while when the second one was being slaughtered my inner voice was saying that this Aqiqa should not be accepted by Allah. I am really in a problem and doubt as I don't know whether the Aqiqa of my son would be accepted by Allah. Please advise.
Q: Is it Haraam or Halaal to pirate software books etc with or without selling it? Is it Halaal or Haraam to buy/use pirated material?