Marital problems

Q: My husband wants to move out of the house. He's been fighting with me for no valid reason and I said to him he will have to divorce me before he leaves because I cannot take him back after he's had a good time with other women. He's willing to give me the divorce. I did call family members here but he said to them he doesn't want me. What should I do?

Questions relating to the Torah, Zaboor and Injeel

Q: Please answer the following questions:

1. Were the Torah, Bible and Psalms that existed in the time of Hadhrat Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) original and unadulterated versions?

2. Did the Torah that was being read by Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallahu Anhu) before being corrected by Hadhrat Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) an original authentic version?

3. Is it correct to refer to the Torah that was being read by Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallahu Anhu) before being corrected by Hadhrat Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) as a 'Kafir Book'?

4. Can the Torah, Bible, and Psalms that exist today be labeled as 'Books of kufr.'?

5. Can the Torah, Bible, and Psalms that exist today be labeled as 'Books of Filth and Evil'?

6. Is the following a statement of Kufr? "The present day Torah, Bible and Psalms are books of Kufr despite whatever original revelation from Allah Ta'ala they may contain."

Rejecting abrogated Surahs

Q: What is the ruling on a Muslim who categorically denies the abrogated Surahs, Al Kahl and Al Hafd? They reject them as never being revealed upon our beloved prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). They also deny that they meet the Quranic Arabic criteria and say they are poor in literary. Audhubillah min al shaitan nir rajeem!

Suffering from psoriasis

Q: I have been suffering from psoriasis on my head for 8 years! Its a terrible experience for me passing a single moment. I cry and pray to Allah. I have visited many doctors, but no result. Now it's not possible for me to see the doctors anymore because I belong to the lower middle class family. My hair is falling and gradually I am becoming bald. Kindly share any effective dua. I need help.

Sacrificing an animal for sadaqah

Q: I'm currently expecting my 5th baby who will be due Insha Allah next year Feb or march. I'm very scared this time around. I don't really know why but my trust is firm with Allah. My question is that is it permissible if my husband and I sacrifice a sheep in the name of Allah when the time comes for delivery of baby in the hope that Allah will except and grant easy labour and fast swift delivery of baby and distribute the meat amongst the less fortunate? Is all of this permissible in Islam or not? An urgent reply will be highly appreciated.



1. If I masturbate very little and if I think nothing came out, I mean no water came out, do I need to do ghusl or shower?

2. After masturbation, before ghusl, if I want to read surah by mouth (not touching the quran), read zikr and make dua, can I do all of them?

Remaining a ma'zoor

Q: By the blessings of Allah I have controlled my urine problems very much. The thing is that I am not a sure whether I am still a ma'zoor or not because urine drops comes at 15 min, 20 min, 25min. There is no fixed time but whenever I wash my private part after that I compulsory get urine drop. If I don't wash my private and directly make wudhu then I may get 15 min to pray salaah, but salaah cannot be prayed with purity. Am I still considered a mazoor. Please help me. I am planning to go for jamaat for 40 days?

Cutting nails after sunset

Q: I am living in India, Mumbai. I am hearing from my childhood that its not good to cut nails after sunset or maghrib, it is not good or something bad will happen. Is it really so in Islam or anything mentioned in Islam about the timings of cutting the nails. I usually prefer cutting my nails on Friday mornings but sometime I am unable to do so because I have to leave early for work in morning and till I come home back its almost maghrib or sunset. What to do please suggest/can I cut nails after sunset or maghrib?