Qurbaani & Halaal Slaughter

Slaughtering cattle under 2 years

Q: I do qurbani on behalf of people. lately I found out that the criterion for cattle was minimum 2 years. In the past I slaughtered  a grade cattle which are generally under 2 years. This was done totally unintentional. It was not done to save money as a grade are the most expensive. What is the ruling for the past qurbani as it is difficult to remember how many were made and whether it was nafl or waajib?

Hunting and Hunting Licenses

Q: Please could you let us know the Islamic viewpoint regarding the following matters related to hunting:

  1. In Zambia, the government sells licenses for hunting. Prospective buyers firstly have to pay a non-refundable fee in order to attain the right to bid. Thereafter, they can submit bids for licenses. Is this payment of a non-refundable fee permissible?
  2. Once bids are submitted, the government through its discretion approves certain bids and rejects others. A person whose bid is accepted for a certain animal e.g. a buffalo, can go out and hunt the buffalo himself, or even sell the license to a third party at a profit. Is this reselling of the license permissible?
  3. Government rules state that when the animal is shot and wounded, the license holder will be regarded as having attained the provisions of the license, regardless of whether he actually manages to catch the animal or not. If we regard the actual bay’ to take place when the hunter gets hold of the animal, then a situation might arise where he doesn’t get any mabee’ or he gets a dead animal (maytah). Please advise on this aspect.      
  4. The government has demarcated national parks in which wild animals are confined. Would this be regarded as Ihraaz by the government? Furthermore, would it be permissible for a hunter to hunt more animals than what he has paid for i.e. poaching? If he does, will it be permissible for him to consume the meat thereof? 

Eating lungs

Q: Would it be permissible to eat lungs (kalaiji) of any halal animal? (Actually one of my friends is baralvi he told me that it is makrooh e tehrimi and should not be eaten)

Scalding process at the chicken factories

Q: I wish to inquire about the scalding process at the chicken factories. The slaughtered chickens are immersed whilst still bleeding with the intestines, impurities etc into a hot water tank for softening the feathers etc, this water is filthy and some of the impurities are possibly absorbed into the flesh. approx 500 to 700 birds at any point in time with all the impurities etc could be in this hot water at any point in time, where it remains for approx 5min. how does this process affect the status of the meat? does the meat remain halaal or does it become makrooh or haraam for Muslim consumption?

Rainbow Chicken

Q: For the sake of the muslim ummah and particularly for myself i humbly ask for guidance as to what the ruling is regarding the rainbow chickens etc issue? Haraam or Halaal? It is very confusing and disturbing to find ulama cannot state 1 true ruling. My heart pains to see the ummat so upside down and in turmoil.