Various masaail of Nikaah

A wifes primary duty is her husband and children

Q: I am currently taking care of my parents who live in the unit next to me in a complex. My father wants me to buy a house so that I can accommodate the two of them (parents want to buy the house for me) but they do not want my husband to stay with us (they can't get along) and don't want my married children or grandchildren to visit on a regular basis. I cannot live without my husband and children. My parents want me exclusively to take care of them.

I'm the daughter and I have 3 brothers who don't want to take care of them because of previous issues with their wives. I do not mind living the way I'm living in a rented place because I have my own space and they have their own space.

Am I suppose to be listening to my parents or does my own family (husband) take priority. What is the Islamic view? 

Comparing one's husband to other men

Q: What if someone feels intensely jealous of others and they just don't naturally find contentment in their heart when they look at their own blessings? Like a woman loves her husband and can't imagine life without him but unconsciously, she compares him with other men.

Does this mean that she doesn't actually love her husband in truth? She is disloyal to him?

She can't find it inside her heart to be happy although there is nothing wrong with the man. He has good character but her eyes just seem to be trained on others, ignoring what she has.

Please give a general advice on jealousy and if this means that the woman is not loyal.

Husband cooking for the family

Q: I would like to find out if it's okay for a man to cook for his family ungrudgingly while fulfilling the duties out of the home, out of love for cooking and serving one's spouse in the sense of cooking? Would it be a problem in the long run in the relationship between the spouses?

The wife does clean the house, wash clothes, iron and other household duties but the man likes to cook. Is it against the integrity of being a man and against the sunnat?