Nafaqah (Financial support)

Extent of being financially stable when getting married

Q: We are always advised by Ulama to get married early but on the other hand we are also supposed to provide for our spouse and most of the boys get financially stable or land a job only up until their mid to late 20s (atleast where I am from).

I have also heard that it is the duty of parents to get their child married on becoming baaligh.

My question is, how can we acheive balance in it when it is not possible to get financially independent early but it is also necessary for a husband to provide.

For example, when I was 17, an Aalim advised me to get married at a majlis, but how can a 17 year old fulfill the right to provide?

What is the extent of financial capability and what is the role of parents here (in light of that they are told to get children married)?

Husband making his wife work and pay for the house expenses

Q: I have a question around financial obligation of a husband.

I have a property which I pay for in terms of mortgage. I also have two children whom I provide for as their father refuses to. I work full time and have a part-time income to make ends meet. Prior to marriage, I used to get tax credits that allowed me to pay my bills.

I have re-married. My husband initially paid me 1/4 of the household expenses which I thought was unfair. After numerous arguments he has increased it to 1/2 the sum. My husband earns 4 times what I earn. He is always out with his work colleagues under the pretext of a working dinner. He eats out at least twice a week. He is aware that I cannot afford the luxuries of going out with my friends as I have a low income. 

He lives in my house which I'm happy to share with him, however, when I ask him to share his money, he refuses. His argument is that he is providing for me.

Even down to the car I drive, is on its last leg... I've asked if I could share his car if I needed a more reliable car when he's not using it at which he's refused.

I'm expected to run the house as well as maintain a full time job as well as a part time job.

My situation has not improved after marriage. I'm made to feel like his maid. He pays his share towards the house, but there is no understanding or consideration towards me.

Can you please provide some guidance on this.

Providing one's wife with separate quarters

Q: I am in a little confusion. I can't make up my mind. My in laws are visiting us for 3 months that includes my sister in law and father in law. My mother in law had passed away. My husband wants me to live in the same house with my brother in law and his wife along his father and sister. We will have our private rooms but will share the kitchen and lounge. I am not willing to live in the same house as I think its against my privacy. I am demanding to provide me a separate home. Am I wrong here? Or saying this to my husband is wrong?

Is the husband liable to provide for his wife and children if they are living separately?

Q: My sister is in Canada, married with 2 kids (age 11 and 2), and as per her marital difference and diffculties they both husband wife decided to live separate for few months to see if they can bring sulah in between them. In the mean time, the kids staying with the mother. As, per sharia law what will be husband and wife's responsibilities as far as naan/nafkhaa is concern for mother and kids? Does mother have to go to work to take care of house and kids where she will be living for this few months? Or husband will have to provide something from his side to support two kids and wife?

Asking one's husband for separate living quarters

Q: I live with my husband, son and my elder brother in law. He is soon to be getting married insha Allah. I don’t want to live with him. I am trying to convince my husband to take some other place as I want some privacy and peace. It is haram by asking that ? Or am I a bad person just by putting my priorities my family’s happiness?

Whenever we discuss about this, initially my husband kept quit and then he used to say, yes we will see to it, but now he is forcing me and telling me I should live were he wants me to and if I want to shift to some other place leaving his brother then even I should stop all my contacts with my family. I don’t feel comfortable living with my brother in law. Is it a gunah for asking this to my husband? Please help me out.