
Burying a non-muslim


1. If a non-muslim passes away and he does not have any relative to bury him besides one Muslim relative, will it be permissible for the Muslim relative to bury the non-muslim deceased? Further, if the Muslim relative does not have wealth to pay for the burial, can one assist him by giving him some wealth to fulfill this need?

2. After a non-muslim is buried, generally the family of the non-muslim feed those who attended the burial. During this meal, alcohol is served. Will it be permissible for the Muslim relative to honor this custom by hosting it or contributing to it in any way? Similarly, if it is permissible for other Muslims to assist the Muslim relative financially, can the money that they give him be used for this meal?

Ghusal after a post mortem

Q: Deceased Muslim victims of accidents such as Road/Fire/Drowning/Murder and the like whom the law authorities takeover, conduct an autopsy/post mortem on them. After this process, the body is wrapped in a white cloth and handed over to the relatives. How must one conduct the Ghusl e Janaazah on this body. Must the body be unwrapped (even though there may be bleeding from the many sutures on it) and bathed or is there a different method. Please clarify in the light of Sunnah.