
Some questions relating to Janaazah Salaah


  1. The Hadith: "You should inform me about anyone from you who passed away, indeed my prayer is a blessing for him. I’la us Sunan vol 8 pg 326. Is it authentic?
  2. Where it is better to pray the janazah salaah in the sehn of the masjid or in the graveyard where janazah salaah is usually prayed and that place is specifically for janazah Salaah?
  3. Making two salaams in janazah prayer. Please give me the references.

Grave stones and reusing old graves


  1. Please let me know if installing a gravestone with the name of the deceased inscribed on it for the purpose of identification is Jaiz? I am told that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) had put a gravestone on the graves of his son Ibrahim (Alayhis Salaam) and also a Sahabi Uthmaan bin Mazoon. Even today we notice gravestones in many of the graves at jannatul Baqi. 
  2. Is it compulsory to reuse a grave inspite of sufficient vacant space being available in the graveyard? If required after how long can a grave be reused?

Some questions relating to ghusal and Janaazah Salaah


  1. Is there anything mention like that: “To participate in a janazah where the mayyit is a loved one, a pious person or a neighbor is better than the Nafl prayer.”
  2. How is that if announcement of someone’s death is made in the loud speaker where azan is normally given?
  3. Please give me the reference of this hadice, that the kaaba is the qiblah for the living and the dead (something to this effect)?
  4. Can the camphor oil be used instead of the camphor powder to rub on the sajdah places of the mayyit?
  5. Is it Sunnah to make khilal of the mayyit’s fingers, feets , beard, ears, nape etc same as it is Sunnah for the livings?