Women working

Using Sayyidatuna Khadijah (radhiyallahu anha) being a businesswoman for women being allowed to go out and work

Q: The secondary Muslim Girls School teachers stated that Sayyidatuna Khadijah (radhiyallahu anha) was a trader/businesswoman and therefore it's allowed for women to go out to earn a livelihood. 

I'll appreciate if respected Mufti Saheb could explain this matter.

Woman working due to living with an abusive mother

Q: I live with my mother who is mentally and physically abusive to me and my siblings. Last year, she broke my nose, she has called me ugly and stupid and worthless my whole life. She pushes me to do things that are detrimental to my mental health - like marrying someone 11 years older or getting into med school. 

I want to leave my household and make a life for myself so that I don’t constantly feel suicidal and can do some good in this world. But in order to leave, I must apply to programs that I do not have the qualifications for - there is a program that requires me to have one year work experience and I only have 6 months. 

Even though I do not want to lie, I was wondering if it might be permissible for me to do so in this situation just to help my chances of getting out my house?

Woman working

Q: I am a mother of 3 kids. Few years ago, I used to work as a daily wage lecturer in a college. I left my job to take care of my kids. Now I came to know that my fellow colleagues have all been ranked permanent by the government. My kids are now school going and I feel very depressed at home although I have a loving husband who earns well masha-Allah. Sometimes I regret leaving my job. I feel stressed and awful. Kindly I need good advice.

Woman feeling that her colleague at work is jealous of her

Q: I have a friend at work who is friends with another colleague that is extremely jealous of me and is always putting nazr on me, I've read duas for protection especially when around that person but found it best to also stay away. I tried speaking to my friend and she feels as a Muslim she cannot abandon another Muslim even if they are not good company and she likes being around that person because of the things that person spoils my friend with.

Is it wrong Islamically for me to disassociate myself from my friend because of this?

Wife leaving the home to work to support her parents

Q: I want to ask about my situation. I have 2 kids, one is 3.5 years old and the second is 2.5 years old. My wife's father has retired and my wife wants to work to support her parents, as she is their only child. But my opinion is that my in-laws have a property, 3 apartments other than the one they are residing in. I told my wife that she can work once the kids start school and have a proper routine. Right now my wife is working and my in-laws comes to our home in our absence to look after the kids.

The problem is that my wife gets very tired once she reaches home and is not able to get proper sleep because the kids don't have any routine. So shes not able to take care of me properly.

I need your advise as I'm in big time stress and developed a condition of high bp due to continuous stress.

Muslim woman working

Q: I am a 19 year old Muslim female. I want to do a vacation job because I am on holiday from university. I will be working in a ladies only environment, doing administrative work. I live with my retired grandparents and younger sister. My parents are deceased.

Is it permissable for me to take this job to earn extra pocket money and to build up experience that will benefit me later on?

Husband making his wife work and pay for the house expenses

Q: I have a question around financial obligation of a husband.

I have a property which I pay for in terms of mortgage. I also have two children whom I provide for as their father refuses to. I work full time and have a part-time income to make ends meet. Prior to marriage, I used to get tax credits that allowed me to pay my bills.

I have re-married. My husband initially paid me 1/4 of the household expenses which I thought was unfair. After numerous arguments he has increased it to 1/2 the sum. My husband earns 4 times what I earn. He is always out with his work colleagues under the pretext of a working dinner. He eats out at least twice a week. He is aware that I cannot afford the luxuries of going out with my friends as I have a low income. 

He lives in my house which I'm happy to share with him, however, when I ask him to share his money, he refuses. His argument is that he is providing for me.

Even down to the car I drive, is on its last leg... I've asked if I could share his car if I needed a more reliable car when he's not using it at which he's refused.

I'm expected to run the house as well as maintain a full time job as well as a part time job.

My situation has not improved after marriage. I'm made to feel like his maid. He pays his share towards the house, but there is no understanding or consideration towards me.

Can you please provide some guidance on this.

Women working

Q: A hadeeth of Saheeh Al Bukhaari mentions that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said "A community cannot succeed whose main decisions are taken by women".

As we see around us, we find that women are making better decisions than men. In the business field and in education, girls are performing better than men. If you see in the business field, women are making more profit than men can. Thailand has 30% CEO AS WOMEN.

Is this hadeeth authentic?