Dress & Attire

Females wearing black clothing in the month of Muharram

Q: I recently received the following message: Ihyaaud-Deen WhatsApp Broadcasts *Wearing black clothing in the month of Muharram*

Q: In South Africa, should one avoid wearing black clothing during Muharram as the Shias wear black clothing?

A: Yes, if wearing black clothing has some resemblance with the Shias then this should be avoided.

My question is, I wear niqaab, majority of my clothing is black, because I simply love wearing black. Whenever I go out of my house, I have gloves that are black, a jilbaab that is black as well as a niqaab that is black. Even in my house I wear black most of the time. Can I wear black clothing without the intention of following the shi'ahs?

Selling artificial rings

Q: I read in Behashti Zewar that it is not permissible for women to wear artificial rings.

1. Since I was unaware of this ruling, I already have many such rings that I used to wear. What should be done with those rings?

2. I have given rings as gifts to many women in the past and my jewellery business gave me profit from selling artificial rings. Will I be sinful for this? What should I do now?