Dress & Attire

Wearing the latest style abaayas and niqaabs

Q: Im 24 years old. I cover my face with niqaab. That means I wear abaya and cover my face when I go out. I use a normal, usual and black face cover to cover my face which is in abaya shops. Usually I wear the latest design abayas but it does not fit and it doesn't show my body's shape but it's the trend. So I had an idea to change my face cover material that still covers my face fully. Is it permissible to wear a different kind of face cover or it musn't change. That means, the materials and the colours of face coverl, can they change? There are abayas in may kinds of materials, so like that can I use different material for face covers?

Women wearing men's clothing

Q: Would it be permissible for ladies to wear:

1. Sweatpants that are meant originally for men but if one is wearing it one would not be able to discern whether it is meant for a man or a woman?

2. Socks that are meant for men but are of the colours pink and light blue and if one is wearing it, it would look like womans socks.

Women cutting their hair

Q: What is the evidence that women cannot cut their hair? I have searched online for evidence but have not across anything clear. Can a women trim their hair that is below the buttocks (such that it remains still below the buttocks and does not resemble men)?

Clothing guidelines for females


1. All the cloth material of my clothes are such that when sunlight passes through them, or if in the light of my room itself if I stand in certain angles, in correspondence to the light the cloth becomes little transparent, and I have seen many cloth materials like this, and I think they are all like that. Please advise me if I am checking in the wrong manner?

2. Should the cloth material be so thick that you should not be able to see anything through it if you take the material in your hands and see through it by placing it in front of your eyes?

3. I want to wear dreeses as per the sunnah way, please advise me in detail how should I make my dresses stiched (for females). Should I make my nape covered by stiching a collar?

Till where should the length of the shirt go (for wearing with shalwaar)?

Can there be slits? Can it be round at the bottom? Is it enough for it to be 2 inches loose from actual measurement? 

Using black dye

Q: When explaining the maslah of Khidaab, my teacher said the following (In his own words):

Within Ahnaaf, there is two qowls on whether you can do black khidaab for beauty (zeenat)

1. According to some, it isn't permissable at all, it is haraam.

2. A lot of muftiyaani karaam and people of fataawa have given the fatwah of jawaaz. (This is excluding the situation when an old man has married a young women, because in this situation it is permissibile to do black khidaab, and this is the qowl of nearly all the fuqahaa).

My question is, do the Hanafiyah actually have the second qowl mentioned above? From what I have read on your website and ask imam, black khidaab isn't permissible. He also mentioned that Allahmah Ibnul Qayim has wrote a list of the Sahaabah radiyallahu anhum who would do black khidaab in zaadul ma'aad.