Dress & Attire

Women wearing fancy clothes

Q: What is your opinion on women wearing fancy clothes to weddings as has become the habit nowadays. I am referring to events where there is full segregation and one attends in niqab and jilbaab however thereafter remove when only women present.

Also, is there fazeelat for those who adopt simplicity? My sister is getting married and family members are asking me to wear a nice dress. I generally wear a loose jubba in the house, so on the wedding day, would it be more preferable to wear what I normally wear or please the family and wear something nice. I have heard fazeelat for that person who adopts simplicity when he is able to wear something of higher rank.

Keeping a beard


1. Can I know any authentic hadith and examples other than that of Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) of cutting a fistful of the beard?

2. When we say cut a fistful of the beard (exceeding one fist), from where do we take 1 fist? How do we know this? Is there any authentic source which mentions that one fist is from the chin or do we just assume it?

Plucking eyebrows

Q: I know that plucking eyebrows is haram in Islam; our Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has cursed the women to pluck eyebrows. Alhamdulillah, I have never done my eyebrows despite going college/university because I don't want Allah Ta'ala to be angry with me. However I was thinking when we get married, on the wedding day, is it ok to pluck the eyebrows only for that one day? Would that still be sinful? We're not going to do a big wedding, just a little one - according to Sunnah so nobody comes, would that be ok? I know Allah is still watching but is it permissible only for that one day?