Dress & Attire

Wearing shoes that have a “won ang” duck on it

Q: Is it permissible to wear shoes that have a “won ang” duck on it? A won ang duck is a symbol in Korean culture which is given to a husband and wife and symbolizes unity between that couple. I know partaking in this culture is imitating the kafir, but I was wondering if I could wear shoes that have a little picture of this kind of duck solely for the looks of the shoe. Most people who look at the shoe will not know what it symbolizes. The shoe itself is not apart of the culture, rather a normal shoe anyone can buy.

‘Fade’ haircuts

Q: Please can you comment on the permissibility of ‘fade’ haircuts? We have seen people claim that having the hair cut two distinctly different lengths is fine, if it is not done with the intention of imitating kuffaar.

Is ambergris pure?

Q: I would like to know if ambergris is pure. I've heard that it is either the vomit or faeces of a sperm whale. In light of the Shafi and Hanafi madhab, would a perfume containing ambergris be ritually impure?