Women's Issues

Breastfeeding while pregnant

Q: I have a one and a half year old daughter and my intention was to breastfeed her till she reaches the age of 2 as per the Islamic ruling.

However I have just found out that I am pregnant again, Alhamdulillah.

My question is: is it permissible for me to continue breastfeeding while pregnant, or is it advisable to stop asap?

Spotting after nifaas

Q: A woman had nifaas for 40 days. She then spotted for 2 weeks. She had five months of no bleeding. She spotted for two weeks. She had 13 days of no bleeding. The next day she saw one spot of blood. She saw no blood for four days. On the fifth day, she saw one spot of blood. Her habit before nifaas was 17 days purity and 9 days bleeding. Should she follow the habit from before nifaas, or does she have a new habit based on her lengthy tuhr after nifaas?

Woman in iddat leaving the home due to fear of being alone

Q: A girl is currently sitting iddat in her father and mother in law's house.

Her ex husband is a total lost case. The ex husband's parents have decided to let her (their daughter in law) sit her iddat in their own house because she has no where else to go. The ex husband is not staying in the same house as his ex wife.

Also the girl's family, all of them are not on Deen. They are mostly involved in gangsterism and drugs. She has absolutely no where else to go. The only safe place for her to live and spend her iddat is at the home of her parents in law.

The question is, since the girl is spending her iddat at the home of her parents in law, so when they (the parent in laws) both need to go out together for some of their necessities, can she accompany them? They say that they cannot leave her alone at home, as the area is a bit dangerous and also she is scared to stay alone.

So are they allowed to take her with them when they both need to go out?

Women attending Deeni programmes

Q: In Durban, there are certain programs that are being scheduled to take place. These programs are being promoted by an organization and the programs will be conducted by a female. They are currently inviting women to two different programs.

The first program is for ladies above the age of 18 and the second program is for young girls between the ages of 12 and 17.

Is this method of educating women conforming to the sunnah where they are being invited to come to a hall and will be addressed by a certain haafiza? Is it in keeping with the sunnah for a female to be conducting such programs? Should we send our daughters for such a program?