Women's Issues

Three talaaqs while one's wife is in the state of haidh

Q: I would like to know the validity of the talaq given to me by my husband. He said talaq three times in one go out of anger. There were a few people present to hear the talaq and straight after, he called my father and said ‘I've given your daughter talaq come and take her’.

Currently we are living separately and we have three children together.

Also, when and how long does my iddah start. At the time of the talaq I was on my menses.

Taking a ghusal after nifaas

Q: A ladies nifaas ended at 18:54 on her 40th day. She is still spotting but she had a bath as her time was over. She had a bath before this time 18:54 was done bathing at 18:50. Does she need to repeat her ghusl as it was yesterday that she had her bath but realized today it was before the time?

Slight bleeding after inserting a copper IUD

Q: I have recently inserted a copper IUD which is causing me to bleed very slightly. I am 47 years old, with 4 children and have used the copper IUD for many years. My doctor tells me that it is normal to bleed slightly like this after copper IUD insertion and it can take up to 4 or 6 months for my body to adjust. Since this is not my period I considered my condition to be that of istihaada. I was washing myself every time and making a fresh wudu every time. But if this is going to take several months or even weeks, should I continue to make fresh wudu and wash myself all the time? What do I do if my period doesn't return within some time? Please advise

Irregular bleeding

Q: I started my period on 24th September and it’s been 12 days now and it’s still spotting so is it counted as period or istihadha? I am 49 years old and I also started premenopause so my period is not always regular. It is like it comes for a few months then it stops for a few months but recently it’s been coming on since 3 months. I am confused if I start praying namaz or not.

Women visiting Islamic historic sites

Q: When a person goes for Umrah, or makes ziyarat of Masjid Aqsa, visits Jordan, etc. and there are graveyards like Jannatul Baqee etc. should women folk also visit the graveyards from maybe outside?

Also, in Badr, a person takes the name of the Shuhada of Badr and makes Dua etc. So should women visit the qabrastan from outside and convey salaams to Sahabah (radhiyallahu anhum) or should they stay away. Visiting quboor even In these blessed places..